
  1. 中南剧场作为第八届中国艺术节演出场地之一,对剧场声环境有较高的要求。

    As one of the arenas of the Eighth China Art Festival , Zhongnan Theater is of stringent stipulation in the respect of acoustic environment .

  2. 第八届中国艺术节的主会场琴台大剧院,从远处看去,它外伸的构件既像是钢琴敲击的簧片,又似当空飞舞的水袖,粗旷、张扬之中蕴涵着丰富的楚文化内涵。

    Looking from a distance , Qintai Theatre , a place where the8th China Arts Festival will be held , looks like piano reeds and sleeves flying in the sky , which embodies the connotation of Chu culture .