
  • 网络Chicago Symphony;chicago symphony orchestra;cso
  1. 佩钦科早年曾在柏林喜歌剧院(KomischeOper)担任音乐总监,并曾与芝加哥交响乐团(ChicagoSymphonyOrchestra)、克利夫兰管弦乐团(ClevelandOrchestra)等其他乐团有过合作,都受到盛赞。

    He received acclaim for his earlier run as music director of the Komische Oper in Berlin , as well as engagements with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra , Cleveland Orchestra and other ensembles .

  2. 保罗后来成了芝加哥交响乐团的首席小提琴手。

    Paul became concert master of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra .

  3. 芝加哥交响乐团以演奏古典音乐着称。

    Chicago orchestra is known for their classical music .

  4. 芝加哥交响乐团以演奏古典音乐著称。管弦乐团正为了音乐会在排练。

    Chicago orchestra is known for their classical music . The orchestra is [ are ] preparing for a concert .

  5. 马友友先生还担任芝加哥交响乐团学习交流与训练学院的创意顾问。

    Ma also serves as the Judson and Joyce Green Creative Consultant to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra 's Institute for Learning , Access and Training .

  6. 当他在最后一刻获得替补上场,在“世纪庆典”音乐节上和芝加哥交响乐团合作演出柴可夫斯基协奏曲之时,17岁的郎朗开始踏上星途。

    Lang Lang 's break into stardom came at age17 , when he was called upon for a dramatic last-minute substitution at the " Gala of the Century ," playing a Tchaikovsky concerto with the Chicago Symphony .

  7. 芝加哥男生乐团和交响乐团都跟她合作过。

    She 'd hang out with the Chicago male chorus and symphony .