
  • 网络bears;Chicago Bears
  1. 这对我来说简直是历史重演,但我还是又一次耐心地解释说,他不能把这样一个有1963年芝加哥熊队签名的NFL标准的纯皮橄榄球拿到外面去随随便便地到处乱扔。

    It seemed like I 'd been through this before , but I patiently explained , once again , that you don 't just go out and throw around an all leather , NFL regulation , 1963 Chicago Bears inscribed football .

  2. 橄榄球名人堂的前芝加哥熊队教练迈克•迪特卡生病住院。

    Football Hall of Famer and former Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka is hospitalized .

  3. 你不能就这么跑到外面去把一个有1963年芝加哥熊队签名的NFL标准的橄榄球随便到处乱扔。

    You just don 't go out and casually throw around an all leather , NFL regulation , 1963 Chicago bears inscribed football .

  4. 那一刻,我们都是芝加哥熊队、纽约巨人队,或是俄克拉荷马雷霆的狂热球迷&就算更多的时候,我们会悲伤地想起詹姆斯·哈登(JamesHarden)的交易。

    At that moment , we are all a fervent Bears or Giants or Oklahoma City Thunder fan , whatever we might think , in our more sober moments , about that James Harden trade .

  5. 几年后,小汤姆在车库翻箱倒柜的时候碰巧倒腾出了这个有1963年芝加哥熊队签名的橄榄球。

    Several years later , young Tom was rummaging around in the garage when he came across the all leather , NFL regulation , 1963 Chicago Bears inscribed football .

  6. 今天新英格兰爱国者队将迎战印第安那小马队,芝加哥熊队将迎战新奥尔良圣徒队,看看谁会进入最后的决赛。

    Today the New England Patriots will play the Indianapolis Colts and the Chicago Bears will play the New Orleans Saints to see who goes to the big game .