
fàn guǎn
  • restaurant;luncheonette
饭馆 [fàn guǎn]
  • [restaurant] 出售饭菜的店铺

饭馆[fàn guǎn]
  1. 我们上次在那个饭馆得到的服务实在差极了。

    We got really cruddy service in that restaurant last time .

  2. 据称该饭馆歧视黑人顾客。

    It was alleged that the restaurant discriminated against black customers .

  3. 在同一栋大楼里有各种商店和饭馆。

    There are various stores and restaurants all under one roof .

  4. 这家饭馆档次很低,大约有60个座位。

    It is a downmarket eating house , seating about 60 .

  5. 有一家诱人的带露天阳台的饭馆。

    There is an inviting restaurant with an outdoor terrace .

  6. 我们是在餐厅吃的饭,而不是在小饭馆。

    We ate in the restaurant , as opposed to the bistro .

  7. 饭馆外发生了斗殴。

    A fight has erupted outside the restaurant .

  8. 新码头上有咖啡馆和饭馆。

    The new pier has cafes and restaurants .

  9. 这家饭馆除了价钱便宜之外,一无可取。

    This restaurant has nothing to recommend except that it 's cheap .

  10. 咱们找个近便的饭馆吃点吧。

    Let 's have a snack at the nearest restaurant .

  11. 人们在饭馆吃饭时,喜欢独占一张桌子。

    When one dines in a restaurant , one likes a table to oneself .

  12. 把着胡同口儿有个小饭馆。

    There is a small restaurant at the entrance of the alley .

  13. 她在一家饭馆花掉四十美元。

    She knocked down forty dollars at a restaurant .

  14. 那家饭馆的饭菜质量差。

    The food at that restaurant is inferior .

  15. 这家饭馆的服务态度很好。

    The service is good at this restaurant .

  16. 这家饭馆常备着好酒菜。

    This restaurant often keeps a good table .

  17. 他白手起家开了这家饭馆。

    He started his restaurant from scratch .

  18. 近处一个饭馆也没有。

    There are no restaurants nearby .

  19. 他唯一可以找到的工作便是在饭馆里当招待,不过这总比没工作强。

    The only job he could get was waiting on table , but it was better than nothing .

  20. 除了在饭馆当侍者,她找不到任何工作,所以她只得干,尽管工资微薄,两条腿也吃不消。

    She couldn 't get any other job except waiting at table , so she had to do that although it was poorly paid and hard on her feet .

  21. Hangry一词是hungry(饥饿)和angry(生气)两个词的合成词,当你到饭馆吃饭,本来已经饥肠辘辘,可点完菜一个小时才上菜,这时候你的状态用这个词来描述就会合适了。

    Hangry is a blend of hungry and angry invented to describe the feeling you get when you are out at a restaurant , starving to death , and have been waiting over an hour to get the meal that you have ordered .

  22. 苏州有一家饭馆,他们那里的招牌菜是鳗鱼面。

    In Suzhou , there was a restaurant that specialized in eel noodles .

  23. 这家饭馆的卫生状况糟透了。

    The sanitary conditions in this restaurant are abominable .

  24. 我看,用hardheaded来形容你是再合适不过了。走了那么多路,饭馆在哪里呐?

    But remember , hard headed is only an adjetive to describe people .

  25. 买贵的东西、穿最好的衣服、下高级饭馆?Iliketolivelargetoo。

    LL : By living large , I mean Bob likes to buy expensive things , wear the best clothes , and eat out at fancy restaurants .

  26. 哦,我明白了,joint指的是饭馆、酒吧和夜总会这类地方。我今天又学了个新词。

    LL : " Joint " is a slang for " place " - and it is often used to refer to restaurants , clubs or other places of entertainment .

  27. 例如,你新结识的朋友可能不会约你在廉价饭馆见面,而会选择在spa水疗会所碰头。

    For example , new friends may want to meet you at a spa club instead of at a hash house .

  28. 所以,Nur有时会被归入新北欧风格饭馆。

    For that reason , Nur has sometimes been called a New Nordic restaurant .

  29. 他们对我都不错,还把我请到雅致的小饭馆吃饭,并在他们位于Beverly的家中给我开Party,并为我的生日送来慷慨的礼物。

    They took me to dinners at elegant bistros , threw parties for me in their Beverly Hills homes , and gave me lavish gifts for my birthday .

  30. 中国的很多饭馆开始感到经济拮据,FengJinchao将解释原因。

    Many restaurants in China are starting to feel the pinch , as Feng Jinchao explains .