
  • 网络Hanno
  1. 这顿饭能使最没胃口的人产生食欲。

    It was a meal to tempt even the most jaded palate .

  2. 他一顿饭能喝一盒牛奶。

    He could drink a carton of milk at one meal .

  3. 可人类有口饭吃能满足吗?

    But , will human beings be satisfied by only food ?

  4. 这样,剩饭就不代表浪费了,而提前多留出来的饭又能节省不少烹饪的时间。

    Left-overs will not represent waste and planned-overs or portions of food cooked in advance will save hours in the kitchen .

  5. 给他饭吃是我们能做的最起码的事。

    Giving him food was theleastwe could do .

  6. 我妈妈喜欢做饭她做的饭好吃,我能吃到许多可口的食物。

    My mother likes cooking , she cooks nice food . I can eat a lot of delicious food .

  7. 我用心做了这顿饭,希望不仅能让他享受到美味,还能提起他的欲望。

    I had put my heart into that meal and hoped it would arouse his desire as well as his palate .