
  1. 国外投资银行风险管理现状与启示

    On the Management Situation of Foreign Investment Bank Risk and Its Reference to China

  2. 我国投资银行风险管理的理论与方法研究

    The Research on Theory and Methodology of Risk Management in Investment Bank of China

  3. 国际金融危机凸显了投资银行风险管理的重要性,并引起学术界与实务部门对风险管理技术更多的关注。

    The international financial crisis highlights the importance of risk management , investment banking , and lead to the academic community with substantive departments on risk management techniques more attention .

  4. 第三章首先分析了投资银行风险管理的内涵、风险管理的目标,阐述了风险管理的轴心-风险和收益的相机抉择和风险的识别、衡量、控制和决策的管理程序。

    In section 3 , this paper firstly analyzes the connotations and objectives of risk management in investment bank . Secondly , it discusses the core issues on contingent claims of the risk-return and managerial procedures of risk identifying , measuring , controlling and decision-making .

  5. 美国投资银行制度风险管理的经验与启示

    The Experience and Implications of American In-vestment Banks ' Management of Institutional Risk

  6. 投资银行市场风险管理研究

    The Research on Market Risk Management in Investment Bank

  7. 证券公司投资银行部风险管理初探

    Preliminary Research on Risk Management of the Investment Bank Department in the Security Company

  8. 论我国投资银行的风险管理

    Risk Management of China 's Investment Bank

  9. 投资银行与风险投资

    Investment Banks vs . Risk Investment

  10. 当投资银行提供风险管理建议时,期货投资者真的会把它们当回事吗?

    Will future investors really take investment banks seriously when they proffer advice about risk management ?

  11. 针对投资银行投资风险的复杂系统建模,进行系统动态模型设计。

    Aiming at the complicated and systematic model of investment bank and investment risks , this paper carried out the systematic and dynamic modelling .

  12. 第二章主要介绍了投资银行的风险类别以及生成原理,同时提出了投资银行的风险管理体系构成;

    Chapter II will tell you the types and origins of investment banking risks as well as the composing of the risk management system .

  13. 同时要借鉴国际投资银行的风险管理技术和经验,加强交流和沟通,并逐步与国际接轨;

    At the same time , we should use for reference technology and experience of International Investment Bank on risk management , reinforce intercourse and communication between Sino-Foreigns Securities Co.

  14. 高盛的经历证明,一家投资银行或许在风险管理和交易方面经验丰富。

    A bank can be highly skilled in risk management and trading , as Goldman has proved .

  15. 此举为私人投资银行业减少了风险,从而打开了银行业募集私有资金的新局面。

    This reduces the risk for private investment in banking , opening it up to new private funding .

  16. 以美国投资银行金融创新的风险控制为例,介绍了其风险管理机制,并以此为借鉴,提出了我国金融创新风险的监管机制。

    This part introduces the risk control mechanism of American investment bank , then suggests supervisory mechanism of risk of financial innovation in our country .

  17. 国外投资银行通过建立各种风险控制模型,采用定量分析的方法进行风险控制,国内证券公司真正出于自身健康发展需要而进行风险控制的还不多,风险控制体系还不完善。

    The abroad investment bank through establishes each kind of risk control model , uses the quantitative analysis method to carry on the risk control . The domestic securities company risk control truly stems from own health development to need to carry on the risk control not to be many .

  18. 本论文对风险投资进行理论与实践相结合的研究,根据我国投资银行的特点和实际情况,提出关于投资银行发展风险投资业务的理论分析和具体思路。

    This paper studies the theoretical and practical problems , proposes the theoretical analysis and concrete suggestions about how investment bank carry out the venture capital investment operation according to our investment banks ' characteristic .