
  1. 高新技术企业治理制度的研究

    Analysis of System of Governance on High-tech Corporate

  2. 二战后,受到西方企业治理制度的影响,日本也逐步接受了股份制企业经营形式。

    After the second world war , by western business management system , the influence of Japan also gradually accept the stock system enterprise management form .

  3. 尤其是从核心体系&绩效考核系统方面来看:观念落后、缺乏国有经济发展需要的经营者和科技人才、未建立其符合现代企业治理制度的竞争、考核、激励、监督机制。

    The core system of achievement and effect examination shows backward thought , the lack of managers and technical staff needed by national economic development and the lack of competition , examination and supervision system in accordance with the modern enterprise system .

  4. 中国私营企业家族治理制度的分析

    An Analysis on Family Governance System of Chinese Private Enterprise

  5. 第四章对家族企业的治理制度进行分析。

    Chapter four is to analyze the organizational structure of family business .

  6. 我们认为,共同治理能够最大程度地减少企业治理的制度成本,也即知识成本和代理成本之和。

    Co-governance can minimize the institutional costs , which are the sum of knowledge costs and agency costs .

  7. 目前国内对于人力资本入股企业的治理制度安排进行全面分析的文献非常缺乏。

    At the present time , the domestic research on corporate governance institutional arrangement with the enterprise of the human capital being a shareholder scarcely .

  8. 需要引入职工参与国有企业治理的法律制度,真正实现国有企业的共同治理。

    We also have to invite the employees to participate the governance , making sure the real " common control " .

  9. 企业相机治理、破产制度与债权人作用&兼论中国破产制度的缺陷及其改革建议

    Contingent Governance , Bankruptcy and Creditors ' Status & The Defect of the Bankruptcy System in China and Suggestion on Its reform

  10. 养老基金与资本市场的良性互动取决于宏观经济稳定性、社会信用环境、金融结构特征、金融市场效率、企业治理状况、养老金制度可持续性、产权与法律制度等约束性条件。

    The constructive interaction between pension funds and the capital market rests with stability of the macro-economy , social credit environment , characteristics of social financial structure , financial market efficiency , corporate governance profile , sustainability of the pension system and constraints of property right and legal system .

  11. 国企高管经济责任审计与公司治理机制的建立存在着内在联系,它有助于现代企业制度的核心一企业法人治理制度的建立。

    There is immanent connection between state executive economic responsibility auditing and corporate governance mechanism , which contributes to the core of the modern enterprise system , the corporate governance system establishment .

  12. 因此,家族企业要实现由传统企业制度向现代企业法人治理制度转换,实现产权结构由单一家族产权结构向产权主体多元化、流动化产权结构转换。

    Therefore , family company should realize the transformation from traditional enterprise system into modern enterprise legal person operation system , from property rights structure of single family into ones of diversity and circulation .

  13. 中国企业管理软国际竞争力评价体系,应包括企业治理结构、管理制度、雇员管理及企业伦理四要素等15项测度指标。

    The evaluation system of soft international competence in Chinese business management should include 15 indices like governance structure , management institution , managing employees , four factors on business ethics , etc.

  14. 那么,企业要围绕这个战略核心,设计与调整企业的治理结构、制度、组织、人力资源、研发、生产、销售,做相应的调整。

    Then , enterprise take around the strategic core , design and adjust administration structure , system , organization , human resources of enterprise , research and develop , produce , sell , make corresponding adjustment .

  15. 为实现产权可流动,民营企业要逐步开展资本经营,并且适时把企业产权有价证券化。民营企业内部治理制度创新的目标是建立与企业发展阶段和企业规模相适应的内部治理模式。

    Secondly , the goal of inner governance system innovation of non-public enterprise is to choose the suitable inner governance model based on their real conditions .

  16. 本文认为,有限合伙制并不仅仅是风险投资企业的一种融资制度和组织结构,其实质上是风险投资企业的一种内在的企业治理制度安排,是企业治理制度的创新。

    It find out that the limited partnership is not only for the financial structure but for the organizational structure to the venture capital enterprises .