
  1. 试论我国合伙企业法人制度

    A Discussion on the Legal Person System of Partnership Enterprises in China

  2. 有限责任公司作为企业法人制度的典型组织形式,在市场经济中具有举足轻重的作用。

    As a typical organization form of enterprise legal person system , Limited Liability Company plays a pivotal role in the market economy .

  3. 平台构建的关键是使其达到市场认可的融资标准,包括企业法人制度建设、治理结构建设、企业信用建设和现金流建设。

    The creation of a platform is the key to achieve market acceptance of the financing criteria , including corporate legal system construction , construction management structure , and corporate credit building and construction cash flow .

  4. 虽然这种作法没有违反现行商标法的具体规定,但不符合企业法人制度的基本要求,并且会使企业法人面临潜在的危害。

    Although it does not violate particular provisions of the present trademark law , it is not in accordance with basic demands of legal person institution , and also the right of legal persons is possibly jeopardized .

  5. 加入WTO后,完善我国企业法人代表制度初论

    A Primary Study on Improving Representation System of the Enterprise Legal Entity

  6. 论关联企业对法人制度的影响

    About the influence of affiliated enterprise to legal person system

  7. 企业法人产权制度是现代企业制度的基础和核心。

    Corporation property rights system is the base and core of modern enterprise systems .

  8. 现行企业法人清算制度除外商投资企业清算制度有清算期限的规定外,其余均无清算期限的规定。

    The present settlement has not made the provisions for settlement limit except the settlement of the foreign investment .

  9. 第六部分,我国商事登记制度的改进构想。即统一商事登记立法,建立主体资格与营业资格相分离的现代企业法人登记制度。

    Chapter 6 , the reform conception of china registration system , it focuses on uniform Commercial Registration legislation and build modem business entity registration system that departed the principle right and business qualification .

  10. 实体制度则分析了与企业法人破产制度不同的制度设计,包括破产财产和自由财产制度、破产免责、破产失权与复权、破产犯罪。

    The entity institutions put forward the system project different from the corporate bankruptcy system , which concludes the bankrupt property and free property institution , the escape from bankrupt duty , the lost and regain right of bankruptcy , and the crime of bankruptcy .

  11. 非公司企业法人注销登记制度的缺陷与完善

    The Valuation on Minor Shares of Non - Listed Companies Defect and Perfection of Registration Cancellation System of Unincorporated Business Entity

  12. 为建立企业法人登记管理制度,确认企业法人资格,保障企业合法权益,取缔非法经营

    To establish a system for controlling the registration of enterprises as legal persons , confirming their status as such , safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests , stamping out illegal business operations

  13. 国企高管经济责任审计与公司治理机制的建立存在着内在联系,它有助于现代企业制度的核心一企业法人治理制度的建立。

    There is immanent connection between state executive economic responsibility auditing and corporate governance mechanism , which contributes to the core of the modern enterprise system , the corporate governance system establishment .

  14. 现代企业制度的内涵是:完善的企业法人制度、有限责任制度和科学的企业组织制度。

    The connotation of modern enterprise system is : perfected legal entity system , limited responsibility system , and scientific organization system .

  15. 产权清晰不仅是建立现代企业制度的前提和基础,也是进一步完善企业法人制度的关键所在。

    The perspicuity of property rights is not only the premise and base of founding modern enterprise system , but also the key of further developing business corporation system .

  16. 因此,家族企业要实现由传统企业制度向现代企业法人治理制度转换,实现产权结构由单一家族产权结构向产权主体多元化、流动化产权结构转换。

    Therefore , family company should realize the transformation from traditional enterprise system into modern enterprise legal person operation system , from property rights structure of single family into ones of diversity and circulation .

  17. 为此,必须让技术创新与制度创新并举,在科学界定国有企业和理顺国有产权关系的基础上,确立国有企业法人所有权制度;

    Therefore , tech innovation and system innovation must develop simultaneously .

  18. 股份制企业的所有权与控制权分离源于股份制企业制度下的企业法人资产制度和股权自由交易的股票市场制度。

    The separation of ownership and control of corporations lies on system for corporate asset , limited liabilities of stockholders and the system of stock market which equity exchange is free .

  19. 因此,无论从经济意义上分析企业,还是从法律意义上分析企业,都表明市场经济是一种以完善的企业法人制度为根本要求的发达的商品经济。

    Hence the analysis of enterprises from the angle of economics and law dictated that the market economy is a kind of developed commodity economy which takes the consummate legal entity system as its essential requirement .