
qǐ yè fǎ rén
  • Enterprise legal person;enterprise as legal person;business entity;business corporation;economic juridical person
  1. 产权清晰不仅是建立现代企业制度的前提和基础,也是进一步完善企业法人制度的关键所在。

    The perspicuity of property rights is not only the premise and base of founding modern enterprise system , but also the key of further developing business corporation system .

  2. 我国现行企业领导体制已不适应市场经济发展的要求,需要从以下三方面进行规范化建设:1.改革产权制度,确立企业法人财产权;

    Our country present business leading System has not suited to the needs of the development of market economy . It needs to standardize building from the following three aspects : ( 1 ) to reform the system of property to define the property of business corporation .

  3. 第二节企业法人

    Section 2 Enterprise as Legal Person

  4. 第二百零五条企业法人破产还债,由该企业法人住所地的人民法院管辖。

    Article 205 The debt repayment of a bankrupt legal person enterprise shall be under the jurisdiction of the people 's court of the place where the legal person enterprise is located .

  5. 加入WTO后,完善我国企业法人代表制度初论

    A Primary Study on Improving Representation System of the Enterprise Legal Entity

  6. HB报业集团是中国第一家企业法人制报业集团,其前身是一家事业单位。

    HB press group is the first corporative enterprise of Chinese Press , it is a government-sponsored institution previously .

  7. 论国有企业法人产权共享制

    On the System of Corporation Sharing Property of the State-owned Enterprises

  8. 企业法人的独立人格和有限责任&对某银行与某香油公司、镇政府借款合同纠纷一案中企业改制问题的几点反思

    The Independent Personality and Limited Responsibility of Legal Person of Enterprise

  9. 企业法人注册资本的法律性质

    The Legal Quality of Registered Capital of Legal Representative of Enterprise

  10. 企业法人财产权质疑

    Discussion on the Property Rights of Corporation ENTERPRISE Business Data

  11. 烟草企业法人治理结构研究

    On the legal person corporate governance structure in China 's tobacco industry

  12. 试论我国合伙企业法人制度

    A Discussion on the Legal Person System of Partnership Enterprises in China

  13. 企业法人退出市场法律问题研究

    A study of Problems Concerning Market Exit of Legal Persons

  14. 关于完善地勘企业法人治理结构的思考

    Thinking about perfecting administrative structure of legal person in geological prospecting enterprise

  15. 国有企业法人治理难题:谁来监督监督者

    Corporation Governance Mechanism in State-owned Enterprises : Who can Supervise the Supervisor

  16. 试论国有企业法人治理结构的完善

    On Improving the Legal Person 's Forms in State-owned Enterprises

  17. 试论企业法人主体资格证明标志

    On the Sign Proving the Staus of Enterprise 's Legal Person Subject

  18. 我国国有企业法人治理结构的探讨与创新

    A Probe and Innovation of Our State-owned Enterprises Governance Structure

  19. 企业法人治理结构的现状与设想

    The Status Quo of Administrative Organization of Enterprises and Thought on It

  20. 第十九章企业法人破产还债程序

    CHAPTER XIX Procedure for Bankruptcy and Debt Repayment of Legal Person Enterprises

  21. 企业法人的治理结构是一个世界性的研究和实践课题。

    Corporate Governance is cosmopolitan study and practice subject .

  22. 《企业法人登记营业执照》。

    The Enterprise Legal Person Registration and Business License ;

  23. 对工勘企业法人治理结构的思考

    A look at the Legal Improvement Structure in Industrial and Geological Prospecting Enterprises

  24. 中国境内外依法设立的企业法人。

    It shall be a corporate legal entity incorporated in and outside China .

  25. 非企业法人性质的俱乐部加盟职业联赛;

    The clubs of non-legal entity nature ally themselves to the professional leagues .

  26. 建筑施工企业法人管项目信息化管理研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Information Management of Construction Enterprise on Project Method

  27. 建立和完善企业法人治理结构的探索与实践

    Exploration and Practice on Establishing and Perfecting the Management Structure of Legal Person

  28. 企业法人营业执照性质与功能研究

    Research on the Character and Function of Business License

  29. 论公司人格否认制试论公司制企业法人财产权

    On the Property Right of the Corporate Juridical Person

  30. 吊销企业法人营业执照后的债权人利益保护

    The Protection of Creditor Benefits after Revoking Business License of Enterprise Legal Person