
  1. 药品生产企业终止生产药品或者关闭的,《药品生产许可证》由原发证部门缴销。

    Where a drug manufacturer terminates its drug production or is closed down , its Drug Manufacturing Certificate shall be withdrawn by the original certificate-issuing authority .

  2. 审批机关作出核准的日期为企业的终止日期。

    The date of the examination and approval authorities ?

  3. 合营企业的终止、解散;

    Termination and dissolution of the joint venture ;

  4. 这类条款规定,如果有关键顾问从一家银行离职,那么聘请这家银行做并购咨询的企业就能终止聘用合同。

    Such a clause allows a company to withdraw the M & A advisory mandate if a key adviser leaves the bank .

  5. 论企业财务制度终止

    A Discussion On the End of Financial System of Enterprise

  6. 如果政府想要企业减少或终止在某个特定国家的业务,它们只能遵命行事。

    If governments want them to limit or cease their operations in a particular country , they need to say so .

  7. 合伙企业一经终止或解散,合伙企业立即清算,在分割剩余财产前,首先偿还所有债务。

    Upon termination or dissolution of the Partnership , the partnership will be promptly liquidated , with all debtsbeing paid first , prior to any distribution of the remaining funds .

  8. 企业并购的风险终止系数的计量及评价

    Measure and Evaluation of the Venture Stopping Coefficient for Merger & Acquisition of Enterprises

  9. 本文在指数效用函数的假设条件下,讨论具有随机风险的企业,极大化期望终止效用的最优投资策略问题。

    Under the assumption of exponent utility , this paper treats optimal investment policies of a firm with a random risk process .

  10. 按照企业契约是否被终止,本文将国企企业契约分为短期契约(提前终止)和长期契约(未提前终止)两种。

    According to whether the enterprise contract is terminated , this paper divides enterprise contract in SOEs into short-term contract ( premature termination ) and long-term contract ( mature termination ) .

  11. 第二十三条合作企业期满或者提前终止时,应当依照法定程序对资产和债权、债务进行清算。

    Article 23 Upon the expiration or termination in advance of the term of a contractual joint venture , its assets , claims and debts shall be liquidated according to legal procedures .

  12. 合作企业期满或者提前终止,应当向工商行政管理机关和税务机关办理注销登记手续。

    A contractual joint venture shall , upon the expiration or termination in advance of its term , cancel its registration with the administrative authorities for Industry and Commerce and the tax authorities .

  13. 该时期重大风险一旦发生,若无有效控制,对企业持续创新将带来极大影响,甚至导致企业持续创新的终止。

    In this period , the significant risk without effective control will bring significant impact on the sustainable innovation , even lead to the termination of sustainable innovation .

  14. 商事主体的各种权利因企业的成立而创设,因企业的发展变化而改变,因企业的终止而消亡。

    All the rights of commercial subject are created with the establishment of the enterprise , changing with the development of the enterprise , and dying out with its termination .