
  • 网络Sco;The Shanghai Cooperation Organization;shanghai cooperation organisation
  1. 上海合作组织保持强劲发展势头,成为促进地区安全稳定和发展繁荣的重要建设性力量,根本原因在于始终遵循“上海精神”、不断加强团结互信。

    The SCO has maintained a strong momentum force for regional security , stability and prosperity . The ultimate reason for its success lies in the Shanghai Spirit , which calls for continued enhancement of solidarity and mutual trust .

  2. 我们要肩负起上海合作组织各国人民的重托,心往一处想,劲往一处使,不断汇聚实现共同目标的强大力量。

    We have on our shoulders the expectations of the people of SCO countries and we must think and work in one mind to build the momentum we need to achieve our common goal .

  3. 这或许也能解释为何东亚地区决定建立自己的俱乐部:上海合作组织(ShanghaiCooperationOrganisation)。

    This may also explain why the Asian region has decided to set up its own club : the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation .

  4. 没错,中俄同为创建国的上海合作组织(ShanghaiCo-operationOrganisation)很可能会非常重要。

    True , the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , of which the two states are founding members , could prove important .

  5. 北京还在推进创建上海合作组织开发银行(DevelopmentBankoftheShanghaiCo-operationOrganisation)的计划;上合组织是一个由欧亚六个国家组成的政治、经济和军事集团。

    Beijing is also moving ahead with a scheme to create the Development Bank of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , a six-country Eurasian political , economic and military grouping .

  6. 同时,结合在该地区有重大影响、与中国及中亚各国关系密切相关的地区性组织&上海合作组织(SCO)探讨了应对之策。

    At the same time , combining with the SCO , very significant organization in the zone , research the responding measures .

  7. 他在与上海合作组织(简称SCO)成员国外长视频会晤时发表上述讲话。

    He made the remarks during a video meeting with his counterparts from the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( SCO ) member states .

  8. 西方八国首脑会议、APEC首脑会议及上海合作组织首脑会议都把能源列入重要议题,能源外交也异常活跃。

    It 's an important issue of many international meetings , such as West 8 countries Summit , APEC Summit and Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit .

  9. 虽然他们扩张安全领域,上海合作组织(SCO)首脑们否认任何的意图产生北约的一个欧亚版本。

    Notwithstanding their expanding security activities , Shanghai Co-operation Organisation ( SCO ) leaders deny any intention to create a Eurasian version of Nato .

  10. 他们虚构了一封上海合作组织(sco)秘书长致北约(nato)秘书长的信函,日期是2015年6月15日。

    It took the form of an imaginary letter from the head of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation to the Secretary-General of NATO , dated June 15 2015 .

  11. 已经成立10年的上海合作组织(SCO),代表着中国、俄罗斯和中亚国家(如哈萨克斯坦和塔吉克斯坦)之间显然存在利益交集。

    The decade-old Shanghai Co-operation Organisation speaks to an apparent confluence of interests between China , Russia and central Asian states such as Kazakhstan and Tajikistan .

  12. 在今年峰会的来宾中,有伊朗总统马哈茂德•艾哈迈迪内贾德(MahmoudAhmadinejad)。伊朗正寻求成为上海合作组织的完全成员国。

    Among the guests at this year 's summit was President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran , who was seeking full membership in the SCO .

  13. 向这个方向发展的尝试性举措出现在去年,当时中国、印度和俄罗斯以及伊朗和上海合作组织(ShanghaiCo-operationOrganisation)成员国初步采取措施,将本国货币(而非美元)用于贸易支付。

    Tentative steps in this direction occurred last year when China , India and Russia , along with Iran and members of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation took early steps to use their own currencies for trade , rather than the dollar .

  14. 上海合作组织(SCO)是发端于边界谈判的上海五国转变而来的,在地区和国际反恐行动中发挥了重要的作用。

    Shanghai cooperation organization & SCO , transformed from Shanghai Group Five , which originated from the boundary negotiations . SCO plays an important role in regional and international anti-terrorism actions .

  15. 本文论述了上海合作组织(SCO)的发展历程及其存在的问题,重点讨论了安全与经济领域(尤其是安全领域)的合作情况。

    The essay discusses the evolving history of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ( SCO ) as well as its problems , focusing on the cooperative situation in the security and economic fields .

  16. 中国希望由其联合创立的地区集团上海合作组织(sco)在阿富汗扮演更大角色,目前西方国家正逐渐缩小各自在阿富汗的军事存在。

    China wants the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , a regional bloc co-founded by Beijing , to play a larger role in Afghanistan , as western countries gradually reduce their military presence there .

  17. 为创建多极世界而结成新同盟的努力肯定还会继续,但在叶卡捷琳堡召开、对俄罗斯最重要的会议是上海合作组织(sco)峰会,而非金砖四国峰会。

    Building new alliances for a multipolar world will certainly continue , but the meeting in Yekaterinburg that matters most to Moscow is the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , rather than the BRIC summit .

  18. 而由于伊朗以观察员身份出席上海合作组织(SCO)会议,两国的政治关系也得到了加强。上海合作组织的成员国包括俄罗斯、中国和四个中亚国家。

    Political links have also been bolstered by Iran 's attendance as an observer at meetings of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , which brings together Russia , China and four central Asian republics .

  19. 昨日,在吉尔吉斯斯坦首都比什凯克召开的年度峰会上,上海合作组织(SCO)承诺加强地区安全与能源合作。上海合作组织由俄罗斯、中国和4个中亚共和国组成。

    The Shanghai Co-operation Organisation , a grouping between Russia , China and four Central Asian republics , pledged to bolster regional security and energy co-operation at its annual summit yesterday in Bishkek , the capital of Kyrgyzstan .

  20. 上海合作组织则是地区安全合作的机制化基础。

    SCO is the mechanism guarantee of the regional security cooperation ;

  21. 2012年是上海合作组织成立第二个十年的开局之间。

    2012 , the second decade since the start of SCO .

  22. 和谐地区与上海合作组织自由贸易区的建设

    " Harmonious Region " and the Construction SCO Free Trade Area

  23. 上海合作组织:地区安全与经济进步

    The Shanghai Cooperation Organization : Regional Security and Economic Progress

  24. 上海合作组织成员国合作基础分析

    An analysis of the cooperative foundation of Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states

  25. 上海合作组织自由贸易区实现路径探析&基于次区域经济合作视角

    On the Route of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Free Trade Zone

  26. 非传统安全的区域治理与上海合作组织

    On Regional Governance of Non-traditional Security and Shanghai Cooperation Organization

  27. 上海合作组织区域经济合作法律制度研究

    Study on the Legal System of SCO Regional Economic Cooperation

  28. 上海合作组织框架下多边能源合作的条件与前景

    Conditions and Prospects for the Multilateral Energy Cooperation under the SCO Framework

  29. 上海合作组织峰会将于今天和明天在塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚别举行。

    The SCO summit runs today and tomorrow in Dushanbe , Tajikistan .

  30. 中国的多边外交与上海合作组织

    China 's Multilateral Diplomacy and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization