
  • 网络pacific alliance;Pacific League;Union Pacific;Pacific Links
  1. 日本有两个职业棒球联盟,即太平洋联盟和中央联盟。

    Japan has two professional baseball leagues : the Pacific League and the Central League .

  2. 中学毕业后,他被太平洋联盟欧力士蓝色波浪队选中,在该队一打就是九年。

    After high school , he was drafted by the Orix Blue Waves of the Pacific League and played with them for the next nine years .

  3. 一是太平洋联盟(PacificAlliance),包括智利、秘鲁、哥伦比亚和墨西哥。

    One is the Pacific Alliance , which includes Chile , Peru , Colombia , and Mexico .

  4. 你们也可以从西半球范围内的太平洋联盟这样的行动计划中看到这点,太平洋联盟是一个以自由市场为导向的新型国家集团,正在实施经济融合并将贸易和投资的目光投向西方。

    You can also see it in the initiatives within the Hemisphere like the Alliance for the Pacific & a new group of free-market-oriented countries that are integrating their economies and looking west for trade and investment .

  5. 亚太经合会领袖加强太平洋区域联盟。

    APEC leaders to boost Pacific Rim group .

  6. 亚洲太平洋邮政联盟总规则

    General Regulations of the Asian-Pacific Postal Union

  7. 亚洲-太平洋广播联盟体育基金会

    Sport Fund of Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union

  8. 亚太经合会领袖加强太平洋区域联盟加强郊区城镇地下饮用水源的管理。

    APEC leaders to boost Pacific Rim group Also , management of ground water sources in the rural area will be tightened .

  9. 这些比赛是太平洋十二校联盟全球化计划(Pac-12GlobalizationInitiative)的一部分。

    The games are part of the Pac-12 Globalization Initiative .

  10. CHS原名北太平洋谷物种植者联盟(NorthPacificGrainGrowers),自1929年成立以来,一直属美国农业合作社所有。

    The company is owned by United States agricultural cooperatives and has been ever since it was founded in 1929 as the North Pacific grain growers .

  11. 犹他大学体育主管克里斯•希尔(ChrisHill)表示,第一次在太平洋十二校联盟成员中提出让中国教练来访学的主意时,大约有四个人举手赞成。

    Chris Hill , Utah 's athletic director , said that when the idea for the residencies for Chinese coaches was first raised among Pac-12 members , about four raised their hands .

  12. 他们属于中国最好的初高中篮球教练。因为中国政府与太平洋十二校联盟(Pacific-12Conference)和犹他大学(UniversityofUtah)的伙伴关系,他们来到了犹他大学美丽的校园。

    They were among the best junior high and high school basketball coaches in China , brought to Utah 's gorgeous campus in a partnership between their government and the Pacific-12 Conference and the University of Utah .

  13. 太平洋十二校联盟总干事拉里•斯科特(LarryScott)表示,该计划起源于2009年,也就是他上任第一年与成员学校的校长举行的一系列会议。

    Larry Scott , the Pac-12 commissioner , said that the initiative sprung out of meetings he held with the conference 's presidents in 2009 , his first year on the job .

  14. 去年在上海,华盛顿在中国的第一场常规赛中战胜德克萨斯。太平洋十二校联盟周五宣布,这一系列赛事将持续到明年,加大洛杉矶分校(UCLA)将迎战佐治亚理工(GeorgiaTech)。

    Washington beat Texas there last year in the first regular-season game in China , and the series will continue next year , the conference announced Friday , with U.C.L.A. facing Georgia Tech.

  15. 如果一个高层总裁只是定期地浏览太平洋十二校联盟网站或是到现场看完NCAA锦标赛,他一定是不称职的。

    It 's not enough for a top executive to periodically pop on the Pac-12 Network or sit through the NCAA tournament .

  16. 近100名中国初高中男子和女子篮球、田径、游泳和拉拉队教练被送到犹他大学,和被送去亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)的中国高校教练人数大致相当。该校也是太平洋十二校联盟的成员。

    Nearly 100 Chinese junior high and high school coaches in the sports of men 's and women 's basketball , track and field , swimming and cheerleading were sent to Utah , and roughly the same number of Chinese college coaches went to Arizona State , which is also in the Pac-12 .

  17. 这是在中国举办的一系列太平洋十二校联盟赛事中的第二场比赛。

    The second game in a series of Pac-12 contests held in China .

  18. 就打造太平洋十二校联盟的品牌和增加曝光度而言,我们正在不断进步,斯科特接着说。

    We are making progress in terms of building the brand and exposure for the Pac-12 , Scott added .

  19. 西太平洋新军事联盟的危局:新自由制度主义的视角

    A Dangerous Situation of Alliance of New Military on the Western Pacific Ocean : From the Angle of Institutional Neoliberalism

  20. 从华盛顿到加大到斯坦福到犹他大学再到其他学校,太平洋十二校联盟的很多成员学校都有大量中国学生,并与中国有着广泛的渊源。

    From Washington to Cal to Stanford to Utah and beyond , many Pac-12 members have large numbers of Chinese students , as well as extensive relationships in China .

  21. 他们在附近的山顶已被白雪覆盖的犹他大学进行为期三个月的访学,是表明太平洋十二校联盟有意在环太平洋地区占据主导地位的几个迹象之一。

    Their three-month residency in Utah , near mountains whose peaks were already snow-capped , was one of several signs of the Pac-12 " s interest in claiming dominion over the Pacific Rim .

  22. 西太平洋新军事联盟作为美、日重构亚太安全格局的危险举动,由于利益的博弈,正面临着难解的囚徒困境。

    Alliance of new military on the western Pacific Ocean , as one of dangerous situation brought about by American and Japanese governments during the safety reconstruction in Asian-Pacific region , is confronting with an awkward convict predicament .