
  • 网络Pacific Construction Group
  1. 总部位于南京的中国太平洋建设集团(ChinaPacificConstructionGroup,简称CPCG)创始人严介和1月起诉六个地方政府拖欠逾9亿元人民币款项。

    Yan Jiehe , founder of the Nanjing-based China Pacific Construction Group , sued six local governments in January for debts totalling more than Rmb900m .

  2. 他说,只要雅典方面拒绝向外国投资者开出有吸引力的条款、分享它的金饭碗,希腊就无法从企业比如他私人控股的中国太平洋建设集团(ChinaPacificConstructionGroup)那里吸引来资本。

    As long as Athens refused to share its golden bowl by offering foreign investors attractive terms , he said , it would fail to attract capital from companies such as his own privately held China Pacific Construction Group .