
  • 网络privatization
  1. 我进行过一些上市公司私有化的交易,其中涉及大量工作,但肯定是值得的,因为被收购企业的投资者在接受报价时往往非常短视。

    I have done a few Public-To-Private deals : they involve a huge amount of work , but can certainly pay off , because quoted investors are often very short term in their outlook .

  2. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)亚洲并购业务主管理查德坎贝尔-布里登(RichardCampbell-Breeden)表示,可能会有更多在美上市中资公司进行私有化。

    Richard Campbell-Breeden , head of M & A in Asia at Goldman Sachs , said there was potential for more US-listed Chinese companies to go private .

  3. 将在纽约上市的中国公司私有化,被西方私募股权公司视作投资中国的一种颇具吸引力的方式,因为在直接投资时,它们往往很难竞争得过中国本土投资基金。

    Taking new York-listed Chinese companies private is seen as an attractive way for western private equity firms to get access to China , as they have often struggled to compete with local investment funds when investing directly .