
shànɡ hǎi zhènɡ quàn jiāo yì suǒ
  • Shanghai Stock Exchange
  1. 选择1997年之前在深圳证券交易所和上海证券交易所上市的42家房地产公司作为研究样本,根据样本公司1997-2006年的年度报告,采用PANELDATA模型进行实证研究。

    The paper chooses 42 real estate listed companies which got listed before 1997 in Shenzhen and Shanghai Stock Exchange as samples and adopts Panel Data model to do empirical research according to the annual reports for 1997-2006 of samples .

  2. 本文基于证券翻译实践,以上海证券交易所网站的翻译内容为材料,通过对证券英语词汇特点的分析,探索证券英语词汇的翻译技巧。

    Based on the practice of security translation and the translation materials from Shanghai Stock Exchange Web-site , this thesis analyses the features of security words and explores the translation skills of security words .

  3. 南京医药在上海证券交易所(shanghaistockexchange)上市,2011年销售额约为20亿英镑。

    Nanjing Pharmaceutical , which is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange , had sales of about 2bn in 2011 .

  4. 以上海证券交易所综合指数为例的实证研究表明SVM模型能够很好的对股市波动进行建模。

    Empirical studies for the Shanghai Composite Index have shown that SVM model can model the stock market volatility very well .

  5. 运用SSD对上海证券交易所几只30指数股票进行了实证研究。

    According to SSD , some empirical studies on Shanghai Security Exchange are done .

  6. 尽管明显存在政治方面的压力,迫使公司在上海证券交易所(shanghaistockexchange)上市,但香港仍是最佳质地、最大规模中国企业的首选上市地点,目前已吸引了350家公司在此上市。

    Despite overt political pressures forcing companies to list on the Shanghai Stock Exchange , Hong Kong remains the preferred venue for the best and largest Chinese companies , having attracted 350 to list .

  7. 今年迄今,偏重高科技企业的深证成指(ShenzhenComposite)已上涨超过一倍。与此同时,上海证券交易所(ShanghaiStockExchange)上月曾在7天内上涨14%,达到2008年以来的最高点。

    So far this year the tech-heavy Shenzhen Composite has more than doubled , while last month the Shanghai Stock Exchange gained 14 per cent in seven days , reaching its highest since 2008 .

  8. 通过模型,对证券价格变动趋势进行预测研究,建立灰色GM模型,并针对上海证券交易所某个时间段进行实证模型建立、分析及精度检验,取得了满意的结果。

    We take the advantage of GM matrix-setting to analyze , make accuracy test on and set a redistic matrix for some periods of Shanghai Stock Exchange .

  9. 在对这些影响因素进行定性分析后,本文运用SPSS软件对选取的在上海证券交易所IPO上市的79只A股作为研究样本进行实证研究。

    In the qualitative analysis of these factors , this paper uses SPSS software , selects 79 stocks of the Shanghai Stock Exchange as sample .

  10. 上海证券交易所(sse)正精明地考虑着将自己上市的可能性。

    The Shanghai Stock Exchange is wisely keeping an eye on the possibility of listing itself .

  11. 为了检验理论探讨结果的正确性在文章的第4章选取z值方法作为衡量信用风险的尺度选取上海证券交易所330家上市公司2000年到2004年的数据为样本做出了实证分析。

    Lastly , in chapter 4 we make a demonstration analysis which choose the z value as the measurement of the credit risk and some listed companies from shanghai stock exchange .

  12. 此外,上海证券交易所也即将推出使用STEP协议的新一代交易系统,新交易系统具有高灵活性和扩展性,能够适应市场的发展。

    In addition , Shanghai Stock Exchange is going to use a new trading system that will use STEP . With high flexibility and scalability , the new trading system of Shanghai Stock Exchange is able to meet the high speed of development China stock market .

  13. 运用1999-2003年来自上海证券交易所的267只A股首次公开发行股票(IPOs)数据实证考察了Rock模型。与Rock(1986)的逆向选择理论一致,中签率与初始收益负相关。

    We examine empirically Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory using data of 267 A-share initial public offerings ( IPOs ) in Shanghai from January 1,1999 through December 31, 2003.Consistent with Rock 's ( 1986 ) theory of adverse selection , the allocation rate was negatively related to initial return .

  14. 实证结果表明所有的单因子短期利率模型都不能很好地描述中国上海证券交易所债券市场上的短期利率变化,CKLS模型是它们中表现最好的单因子利率模型。

    The results show that all the single-factor models cannot match dynamic change of the short interest rate , and the CKLS model does the best among them .

  15. 一组是具有非线性和强非平稳性特征的Mackey-Glass时间序列数据,另一组是具有非线性和弱非平稳性特征的上海证券交易所的六只股票的股票价格时间序列数据。

    One is Mackey-Glass time series data , which is non-linear and strong non-stationary , and another is six stocks price time series data , which is non-linear and weak non-stationary .

  16. 本文利用Pettengill(1995)的剩余市场收益模型以及Fama的两阶段回归方法,考察了中国股市1997年1月&2001年5月上海证券交易所的21支股票的周收益率。

    I examed month returns of ShangHai Stock Exchange of china , date from 1997.01 to 2001.05 , using Pettengill 's excess market return model and Fama 's two pass regression method .

  17. 这些客户包括加拿大皇家银行、德尔塔航空公司、SBC通信、台湾大哥大、普诚、三星生命保险、爱迪生团能源、哈拉娱乐公司、联邦快递、上海证券交易所、Travelocity公司、电子贸易和MatchLogic等很多企业。

    These customers include Royal Bank of Canada , Delta Air Lines , Qantas , SBC , Taiwan Cellular , UnumProvident , Samsung Life Insurance , Edison Mission Energy , Harrah 's Entertainment , Federal Express , Shanghai Stock Exchange , Travelocity , E-TRADE , and MatchLogic .

  18. LAD-LASSO方法是最新的变量选择方法,它的最大优势是可以在估计参数的同时选择变量,在本文的第八章中我们应用这种方法来拟合我国上海证券交易所交易的国债利率期限结构。

    Furthermore , we apply LAD-LASSO to perform variable selection and parameter estimation simultaneously in Chapter 8 . The propose methods are used to estimate the Shanghai stock exchange term structure of interest rates with cubic spline function .

  19. 2005年2月23日,上证50ETF在上海证券交易所挂牌交易,这标志着融合投资、交易和短线操作为一体的全新指数型投资工具登陆中国证券市场。

    On February 23 , 2005 . 50ETF ( Exchange Traded Fund ) of Shanghai Securities is listed in Shanghai Securities Exchange , which indicates the new indexation investment tool that concentrates on investment , trading and short-term investment emerged on securities market in China .

  20. 1946-1949年,上海证券交易所是上海证券交易市场唯一合法交易场所。

    Shanghai stock Exchange is the sole legitimate pattern in 1946-1949 .

  21. 已实现全部电子化交易的上海证券交易所交易正常,不过交投清淡。

    The all-electronic Shanghai Stock Exchange traded a normal but subdued session .

  22. 上海证券交易所回购利率期限结构的风险溢酬

    Risk Premium of the Term Structure of Repo Rates in the Shanghai Stock Exchange

  23. 它在上海证券交易所上市,在全国拥有众多分支机构。

    Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange , it had subsidiaries around the country .

  24. 上海证券交易所A股市场的波动性分析

    Analysis of the volatility of the A - stock index in the Shanghai Stock Exchange

  25. 该消息一经发布,在上海证券交易所挂牌上市的基建和运输类股票应声上涨。

    Infrastructure and transport stocks traded on the Shanghai stock exchange jumped on the news .

  26. 本文系统回顾了国内外关于董事会特征与公司整体绩效之间关系的研究成果,并以上海证券交易所上市公司为研究样本,在实证基础上分析我国上市公司董事会特征与公司绩效之间关系。

    This paper studies the relationship between the characteristics of board of directors and firm performance .

  27. 这使上海证券交易所指数在几分钟内暴涨近7%。

    This sent the Shanghai Stock Exchange spiking close to 7-percent in a matter of minutes .

  28. 由于上海证券交易所2003年才颁布了上海国债指数,本文采用类似的方法,编制了一种新的上海国债指数,时间追溯到1997年。

    Using a similar method , a new Shanghai bond index which dated from 1997 is compiled .

  29. 上海证券交易所甚至发出警告:创纪录的交易量可能导致其电子交易系统不稳定。

    The Shanghai Stock Exchange has even warned that record trading volumes could destabilise its electronic trading system .

  30. 上市公司作用下独立董事任职的动机与作用&基于上海证券交易所的实证研究

    Motivations and Functional Roles in Chinese Independent Director Systems & Based on China ′ s Shanghai Securities Market