
  • 网络shanghai gold exchange;SGE
  1. 去年7月上海黄金交易所建议与中国工商银行联手开办了个人投资者黄金现货交易产品。

    In July last year the SGE proposed spot trading of gold by private investors in cooperation with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ) .

  2. “依我看,现货交易将会吸引更多的投资者,随着上海黄金交易所的门开得更大,交易数额也会跟着提升,”成辅民说。

    " I think more investors will be attracted to spot trading and the number of transactions will increase as the SGE opens its doors wider ," said cheng .

  3. 分析师表示,此次回调始于亚洲,上海黄金交易所(shanghaigoldexchange)的投资者在本月两度上调保证金之后,开始抛售贵金属。

    Analysts said that the correction started in Asia , as investors in the Shanghai Gold Exchange sold the precious metals after two margin rises this month .

  4. 9月份,上海黄金交易所(ShanghaiGoldExchange)的金价一度比位于伦敦的全球主要交易市场的金价每盎司高出50美元,正是这一创纪录的价差刺激了中国的黄金进口。

    In September , gold on the Shanghai Gold Exchange briefly traded $ 50 an ounce higher than the main global market based in London , a record price difference that encouraged imports .

  5. 彭博(Bloomberg)数据显示,上海黄金交易所的交易量昨日飙升至创纪录水平,达到43吨。

    Trading volume on the Shanghai gold exchange jumped to a record high yesterday , reaching 43 metric tonnes , said Bloomberg data .

  6. CGS金条的定价主要根据伦敦贵金属交易所的每日价格,同时参考上海黄金交易所的牌价。

    Pricing of the CGS bars is based on daily gold prices on the London Precious Metal Exchange , with quotations on the Shanghai Gold Exchange serving as a reference .

  7. 今年前10个月,上海黄金交易所(sge)现货黄金交易量同比增长43%,达到5014.5吨。

    Spot gold trades in the Shanghai gold exchange were up 43 per cent by volume in the first 10 months of this year to 5014.5 tonnes .

  8. 上海黄金交易所(sge)证实“有开放银行间黄金市场的计划”,且正与其他政府部门就此进行合作,但拒绝披露该市场将如何运转。

    The Shanghai Gold Exchange confirmed it " has this plan " to create an interbank market and was working with other government agencies to do so , but declined to disclose details of how it would function .

  9. 昨天,上海黄金交易所的黄金价格略微上涨。

    Gold price on Shanghai Gold Exchange witnessed small rise yesterday .

  10. 据报道,上海黄金交易所1月份度过了最繁忙的一个月。

    The Shanghai Gold Exchange reported one of its busiest months in January .

  11. 上海黄金交易所开业,标志着中国黄金市场的开放。

    The foundation of Shanghai Gold Exchange symbolized the opening of Chinese gold market .

  12. 此外,现在的上海黄金交易所也可以谋求与商业银行的共同合作来建立这个市场。

    In addition , Shanghai Gold Exchange can cooperate with commercial banks to set up such a market .

  13. 另外,黄金是由国家指定地点即上海黄金交易所进行销售。

    Moreover , the gold is the Shanghai gold exchange carries on the sale by the country assigned location .

  14. 上海黄金交易所的交易规模(往往被视为需求的晴雨表)昨日创下新纪录。

    In Shanghai , the gold exchange saw volumes - often seen as a proxy for demand - at a record yesterday .

  15. 这样的预测使得为期一周的国假日过后重新开张的上海黄金交易所顿时忙碌起来。

    Such expectations have fuelled a rush at the Shanghai Gold Exchange as the market reopened after the week-long National Day holidays .

  16. 金价从此由政府设定,直到2002年上海黄金交易所开业,国内金价才开始跟随国际金价变动。

    Prices were set by the government until 2002 , when the Shanghai Exchange opened and domestic prices started to track international equivalents .

  17. 中行在年度报告中称,该行去年在上海黄金交易所自营黄金交易中市场份额排名第一。

    Bank of China ranked first in market share of proprietary gold trading on the Shanghai Gold Exchange last year , its annual report said .

  18. 随着上海黄金交易所黄金投资业务向社会开放,群众可以通过商业银行或投资代理机构进行黄金投资。

    Along with the Shanghai gold exchange gold investment business open to the society , the crowd can through the commercial Banks or investment agency for gold investment .

  19. 当年,随即着手组建上海黄金交易所,一个从事黄金、白银、和铂金交易的非牟利平台。

    In the same year , preparations were started for the setting up of the Shanghai Cold Exchange ( SGE ), a not-for-profit platform for transactions in gold , silver and platinum .

  20. 最后一部分结束语,主要总结了中国黄金市场开放和发展对黄金产业、金融市场和经济发展的作用,并表明了对上海黄金交易所成为世界主要黄金市场的预期。

    Chapter IV brings out the solutions and the suggestions to the problems of China Gold Market 's farther development . Conclusion deals with the relevancy between gold industry , financial system , economic-development and China Gold Market .

  21. 但自上海黄金交易所成立以来,国内黄金价格形成机制逐步向国际接轨,黄金价格的波动愈发市场化,与其他金融资产的联动性也逐步增强。

    Since the establishment of the Shanghai Gold Exchange , domestic gold price formation mechanism gradually accepts international standards , volatility of the gold is increasingly market-oriented , and the correlation of gold and other financial assets is increased .

  22. 上海黄金交易所的运行标志着我国黄金交易和黄金价格进入市场化阶段,为广大投资者提供了新的投资机会,也为金融机构提供了新的市场奶酪。

    Shanghai Gold Exchange 's being put into operation marked China 's gold trade and price setting foot on the track of market economy . It has provided the broad investors with new opportunity to make new investment and supplied market cheese for financial organizations .