
  • Shanghai International Studies University;SISU;shisu.edu.cn
  1. 本文采用网上问卷调查的研究方法对西南大学和上海外国语大学进行人人网使用调查。

    Online survey research methods are adopted among the students of the Southwest University and the Shanghai International Studies University .

  2. 上海外国语大学国际关系与外交事务研究院;

    Liu Hongsong , research fellow of School of International and Diplomatic Affairs of Shanghai International Studies University , China .

  3. 卫哲先生毕业于伦敦商学院和上海外国语大学。

    David graduated from London Business School and Shanghai International Studies University .

  4. 上海外国语大学新闻专业四年级的王新蕾已经拿到了芝加哥大学入学通知书。

    As a senior journalism student in Shanghai International Studies University , Wang has had received the admission from Chicago University .

  5. 我有幸在上海外国语大学海外培训部任教。

    It was my good fortune to teach in the Overseas Training Department of Shang-hai International Studies University ( SISU ) .

  6. 然后本人在上海外国语大学进修了为期一年的关于中国语言和文化方面的课程。

    I then proceeded to study a Chinese language and culture course in Shanghai International Studies University ( SISU ) which lasted approximately1year .

  7. 上海外国语大学两个图书馆共藏图书90余万册,中外文期刊2000多种大学图书馆还是教育部文科及人文学科信息中心、牛津大学英语教学资料中心、美国亚洲基金会捐赠的图书分送转换中心。

    The two University libraries maintain a collection of 900 000 volumes and nearly 2000 newspapers and magazines in Chinese and foreign languages .

  8. 上海外国语大学英语专业四年级学生郭兵去年有了自己当老板的想法。

    Guo Bing , a senior student in Shanghai International Studies University majoring in English , decided he wanted to be his own boss last year .

  9. 我1988年毕业于上海外国语大学,主修英语文学与语言学,并于1998年获得了语用学硕士学位。

    I graduated from Shanghai Foreign Languages University in1988 , majoring in English literature and linguistics . I got my Master 's degree in GetWord (" pragmatics ");

  10. 摘要在树立文化外语教学理念的今天,上海外国语大学附属外国语学校开展了开放式文化主题教学的实践。

    In the time when culture teaching approach has become an inseparable part of foreign language teaching , Shanghai foreign language school has pioneered open & culture-oriented theme teaching approach .

  11. 22岁的韩聪(音译)是一名上海外国语大学国际经济学专业的大四学生。由于在实习中的出色表现,他得到了德勤全球服务有限公司的工作机会。

    Han Cong , 22 , a senior majoring in international economics in Shanghai International Studies University , got a job offer from Deloitte Global Services Limited because of his excellent performance as an intern .

  12. 申主任说,继北京大学之后,上海外国语大学,中国传媒大学,北京外国语大学,对外经贸大学和西安外国语大学也纷纷建立了自己的波斯语专业,以满足不断增长的学习波斯语言、文学、历史和文化的需求。

    Following Peking University , Shanghai International Studies University , Communication University of China , Beijing Foreign Studies University , University of International Business and Economics and Xi'an International Studies University also set up their own Persian specialties to meet the growing demand to learn the language , literature , history and culture , Shen said .

  13. 成立于1953年的上海外国语黉舍是一所全日制寄宿黉舍,它隶属于上海外国语大学。

    Founded in1953 , Shanghai foreign language school is a full-time boarding school , which is affiliated to Shanghai International Studies University .