
  1. SGR与上市公司成长性

    SGR and the growing of corporation that come into market

  2. 我国通信行业上市公司成长性评价研究

    Growth Evaluation on the Listed Companies of Telecom Industry in China

  3. 医药行业上市公司成长性评判研究

    Study on Growth Evaluation of Listed Companies in Medical Industry

  4. 我国中小板块上市公司成长性实证研究

    Study of Growth Rate For Medium and Small-sized Listed Companies

  5. 创业板上市公司成长性的实证分析

    Empirical analysis of the growth potential of the listed companies on GEM

  6. 第七章研究结论和政策建议对实证分析的结果进行总结并提出提升创业板上市公司成长性的政策建议。

    Chapter VII analyzes the results of empirical analysis and raises policy recommendations .

  7. 上市公司成长性的行业特征分析

    An analysis of Industrial Characteristics of Public Corporation Growth

  8. 股权结构对上市公司成长性影响的研究

    The Research on Influence to the Growth of Listed Company from Stock Right Structure

  9. 第二部分是IT行业上市公司成长性评价指标的选取。

    The second is the choosing of growth evaluation indexes of IT listed company .

  10. 基于财务信息视角的高新技术上市公司成长性评价研究

    Study on Evaluation of Development Status of Domestic High-tech Listed Companies Based on Financial Information

  11. 工业企业上市公司成长性的归因分析

    Factor analysis of listed company 's growth

  12. 市场波动性与中小上市公司成长性评价

    Market volatility and SMEs Growth Assessment

  13. 中国资本市场应计异象问题研究&基于上市公司成长性的全新视角

    Research on the Accrual Anomaly in China 's Capital Market-based on the perspective of Corporate Growth

  14. 我国A股上市公司成长性对其融资结构影响的实证研究

    A Positive Study about the Effect of Growth on Financial Structure Based on Chinese A-stock Market Companies

  15. 中小企业板上市公司成长性评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of the Growth of the Listed Companies on Small or Medium-sized Enterprises Board

  16. 股权特征作为公司治理的一个重要组成部分,对上市公司成长性必然会产举足轻重的影响。

    The equity characteristics as an important part of corporate governance will inevitably produced a critical impact on the growth of the listed .

  17. 任何一项研究活动都需要科学的理论做指导,上市公司成长性评价体系的研究也不例外。

    Any research activities need scientific theory to guide , so is the research on the growth appraisal system of the listed companies .

  18. 上市公司成长性与盈余管理程度之间存在着显著的负相关关系,而经营风险与盈余管理程度显著正相关。

    The relationship between corporate growth and earnings management is significantly negative , while significantly positive on that of operating risk and earnings management .

  19. 实际上,对管理层持股与中小上市公司成长性关系的探讨,是一个极富实际意义的课题。

    In fact , it is a very meaningful topic that research on the relationship between the managerial ownership and the growth of the LSMEs .

  20. 我们通过对云南上市公司成长性与财务杠杆的实证研究,分析了云南上市公司资本配置的合理性,为这些公司的持续成长提出相应的政策建议。

    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the rationality of capital allocate and put forward policy implications for the growth of the companies .

  21. 第二章介绍了相关企业成长性的理论基础,界定创业板上市公司成长性,并说明有关因素对其的影响。

    The second chapter introduces the basal growth theories of enterprises , identifies the growth of enterprise , and explains the effective factors on the the growth .

  22. 针对这种情况,本文运用系统分析的方法,建立了创业板上市公司成长性综合评价指标体系,为投资者评价高科技企业的成长性提供了依据。

    Through systematic analysis , this thesis tries to establish a compositive growth potential evaluation model for these listed companies , thus providing reference for relevant investment judgements .

  23. 同时,结合中小上市公司成长性评价体系,对两种评价指数进行综合相关性和回归研究。

    Meanwhile , the paper , combined with the enterprise growth evaluation system of listed SMEs , makes a comprehensive and regression research on the two evaluation indices .

  24. 通过回归分析,研究了第一大股东持股比例及不同股权性质下第一大股东持股比例对中小上市公司成长性的影响。

    Through regression analysis , the paper studies the impact of share ratios of the largest shareholders on the growth of SMEs under the condition of different share nature .

  25. 我国商业银行在贷款发放过程中对上市公司成长性等指标的不关注行为能够强化货币政策企业资产负债表渠道的非对称效应。

    The special attention to the characteristic variables of the listed company of the commercial banks when they lend money can strengthen the asymmetric effects of the monetary policy enterprise balance sheet channel .

  26. 通过对医药行业上市公司成长性评判模型构建与分析并对部分医药行业上市公司进行成长性预测,探讨了促进医药行业上市公司成长,优化投资决策的对策建议。

    Through model construction of listed companies growth evaluation and prediction of their growing level , this research proposes some suggestions to promote listed companies ' growth and to work out profitable investment strategies .

  27. 医药上市公司成长性影响因素较多,全面囊括各因素并对他们进行详细分析具有一定的难度,论文仅针对财务基本指标进行实证研究分析,研究结论存在一定局限性。

    Medicine listed company growth factors influencing factors include more , comprehensive and analysis , this paper has certain difficulty for financial basic indexes only researches and analysis , research conclusions exist a certain limitation .

  28. 本文通过对上市公司成长性因素的详细分析和对两种绩效评价方法的研究,提出了基于成长性原则的证券评估与选择理论。

    Through analysing the firm 's growth factors and making researches on the tow evaluation methods of firms , the paper put forward the theory of stock 's evaluation and selection based on the Growth Principle .

  29. 上市公司成长性尤其体现为公司在自身的发展过程中,其所在的产业和行业受国家政策扶持、具有发展性、产品前景广阔,公司规模呈逐年扩张、经营效益不断增长的趋势。

    In a growing process , listed companies ' growth is specially represented by some tendencies such as being benefit from industrial policy , bright growing prospect , raising sales , extending enterprise scale , increasing economic profits .

  30. 文献综述部分,论文从成长性指标的选取标准和成长性评价体系的建立标准两方面介绍了前人的研究成果,重点回顾了国内外关于上市公司成长性影响因素方面的研究。

    Literature review paper from growth index selection part standard and growth evaluation system are introduced in this paper establish standard two predecessors ' achievements at home and abroad , especially in the listed company growth factors on research .