
  • 网络dongtai city
  1. 东台市沿海滩涂TM遥感资料的土壤解译制图

    Mapping soil on the coast of Dongtai City with TM CCT remote sensing data

  2. 基于GIS的县域经济空间格局及其优化&以江苏省东台市为例

    The Spatial Patterns and its Optimization of County Economy Based on GIS : A Case Study of Dongtai City of Jiangsu Province

  3. 东台市卫生局7层住宅楼整体平移设计

    Monolithic Moving Design for Seven-Story Building of Dongtai Board of Health

  4. 东台市蚕桑业产业化发展问题研究

    A Study on the Development of the Agricultural Industrialization in Dongtai

  5. 东台市复合农林业产业结构的优化

    Studies on the Optimization of Structure of Agroforestry in Dongtai City

  6. 县域海洋功能区划的思考&以东台市为例

    On division of marine functional zonation & a case study of Dongtai City

  7. 东台市无公害水产品生产基地环境质量调查与评价

    Investigation and Evaluation about the Environmental Quality of Aquatic Products Base in Dongtai County

  8. 2004~2008年东台市血吸虫病监测

    Surveillance of schistosomiasis in Dongtai City , 2004-2008

  9. 东台市108例老年麻风病人的分析

    Analysis of 108 Aged Cases of Leprosy

  10. 江苏省扬州地区暨东台市近期麻风流行病学趋势分析

    Study on the recent trends of leprosy epidemiology in Yangzhou Prefecture and Dongtai City , Jiangsu Province

  11. 本文对东台市主要的水产品生产基地的环境状况进行了调查,旨在评价这些水产品生产基地的环境质量。

    The environmental quality state of the main production bases was investigated and evaluated in Dongtai County .

  12. 东台市土地利用总体规划方案制定评价研究

    A study on making out and appraising programs of general land use planning of dongtai , Jiangsu Province

  13. 疫情涉及东台市9个镇,合计报告709例,分布在75个学校,240个班级。

    709 patients in 9 townships were reported in this outbreak , who distributed in 240 classes of 75 schools .

  14. 目的了解2004年在江苏东台市大面积轻型急性呼吸道感染症暴发流行的流行病学及病原学病因。

    Objective To explore the epidemiological and pathogenic cause of slight acute respiratory tract infection syndrome which broke out in Dongtai areas , Jiangsu Province in2004 .

  15. 江苏省东台市九星不锈钢制品厂地处里下河地区的不锈钢名镇、鱼米之乡&溱东镇。

    Dongtai City Jiuxing Stainless Steel Products Factory is located in a famous stainless steel town and a land of milk and honey of Lixiahe Area & Qindong Town .

  16. 滩涂湿地不仅是东台市经济发展的重要后备土地资源,也为江苏地区提供了强大的生态服务功能和资源环境价值。

    The beach wetland is not only an important land reserve resource for the economic development of Dongtai , but also provides powerful ecological service function and resources environmental value .

  17. 东台市饲料市场秩序混乱,饲料质量良莠不齐,个体商贩将劣质饲料推销至蛋鸡养殖户的门口,养殖户缺乏对饲料质量的辨别知识,贪图价格便宜,购买廉价的劣质饲料。

    Dongtai feed market disorder , and feed quality mixed and individual vendors will be selling low-quality feed , the entrance to the egg farmers , farmers lack the knowledge to distinguish the quality of feed , seeking cheap .

  18. 目的分析东台市一起轻型急性呼吸道感染症疫情的临床特点和流行过程,为疾控工作提供科学依据。

    Objective The present investigation was intended to explore the clinical characteristics and epidemic process of mild acute respiratory infection in the city of Dongtai in order to provide a scientific basis for the prevention of spread of the disease .

  19. 结论2004年发生在江苏省东台市轻型急性呼吸道感染爆发疫情的病原体为腺病毒,传播途径主要以飞沫传播及密切接触为主。

    Conclusion The agent of acute respiratory tract infection syndrome broken out in Dongtai areas , Jiangsu province in 2004 was confirmed as adenovirus , and the transmission route mainly were contacts with the aerosol in the air and cases .