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  • miscibility
  1. 混合制冷剂R134a/R600a与矿物油互溶性的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Miscibility of R134a / R600a Refrigerant and Mineral Oil Mixture

  2. 其还是一种互溶性较好的钙钛矿铁电材料,其居里点温度Tc可较容易地调至室温附近,介电温度系数较大,是一种非常适用于电场调节元件的材料。

    Because of the expedient modulation of curie temperature Tc to room temperature , the larger dielectric-temperature coefficients , PST materials are favorable to be used in microwave tunable devices .

  3. 用膨胀仪、红外、应力-应变和DSC确定和测定其中的组分分离运动,阐述组分分离对互溶性的影响。

    Using the methods of dilatometer , IR , stress-strain curve , DSC , and electron microscopy , the components ' separation was found .

  4. 但由于W和Cu没有互溶性,很难生产出具有均匀微观结构的合金或复合材料。

    But it is difficult to fabricate alloy and composites with a homogeneous microstructure , because W and Cu have no solubility of each other through the whole composition .

  5. 因此,从水和汽油体系的互溶性来看,DMC和DEC都适合做汽油添加剂。

    In other word , DMC or DEC could be considered as a suitable alternative gasoline additive in the view of the intersolubility of water and gasoline .

  6. 碳酸二甲酯(DMC)具有含氧量高、沸点高、与柴油互溶性好等特点,适合作为柴油机的燃料添加剂。

    Dimethyl carbonate ( DMC ) is one of the best additives for diesel engines due to its features such as highly oxygen content , suitable boiling point and intersolubility with diesel .

  7. 应用动态热力学分析仪测定了动态硫化EPDM/PP共混物的动态力学行为、Tg峰的变化,表明PP的非晶部分与EPDM具有部分互溶性,同时讨论了共混物动态模量的特点。

    Dynamic mechanical behaviors of dynamically vulcanized EPDM / PP blends were measured by dynamic thermal mechanical analyser . The changes of T g peaks in various compositions shows that uncrystal part of PP and EPDM is partial miscible .

  8. 二甲醚与柴油互溶性实验研究

    Experimental Study on Intersolubility of Dimethyl Ether and Diesel Fuel

  9. 含非互溶性组元的多元系液相烧结机制与特性研究

    Study of Multi-Element Materials with Immiscible Element on Liquid Sintering Mechanisms and Characteristics

  10. 甲醇与柴油互溶性研究

    The Study on Dissolvability of Methanol with Diesel Oil

  11. 特别是在含非互溶性组元的液相烧结方面尚存一定问题需要澄清。

    Specially in liquid-phase sintering containing immiscible element , there are still some problems needed to be clarified .

  12. 但在传统的生物柴油生产工艺中,由于原料油与醇的不互溶性,严重影响了酯交换反应的程度。

    However , the immiscibility of oil with methanol leads to low transesterification rate in the biodiesel production .

  13. 研究互溶性双组分混合物在水平光滑管上的自然对流冷凝传热性能。

    This paper studied the free convection condensation heat transfer of miscible binary mixture on a horizontal smooth tube .

  14. 加强非西安理工大学硕士学位论文一互溶性组元在此方面的功用作用是实现此类材料均匀化、高收缩比烧结的关键。

    The intensification of immiscible element in this process is the key to realize uniformization sintering and reach a higher shrinkage ratio .

  15. 对于非互溶性组元为主组元的材料研究,以钨基高比重粉末冶金合金为此类材料的典型代表。

    For materials with immiscible elements which are main elements , powder metallurgy material of W-based heavy alloy is on a typical example .

  16. 以异丙醇作为凝固剂时,它与溶剂的互溶性要优于正丁醇和正戊醇。

    When 2-propanol ( IPA ) is used as a coagulation reagent , it has better dissolving ability with solvent than 1-butanol and 1-pentanol .

  17. 本文以环烷酸和胺类化合物作为表面活性剂,研究了甲醇与柴油的互溶性,配制了甲醇柴油混合燃料,对甲醇柴油混合燃料的主要理化特性进行了分析。

    The paper used the naphthenic acid and Amine compounds as surfactant , studied the dissolving character , put up the fuel combination of methanol and diesel oil .

  18. 制备过程中溶剂的性能对微孔膜的形貌有很大影响,当使用与水互溶性溶剂时得到多孔结构。

    The solvent also has a great influence on the morphology of porous membrane . Porous structure could be obtained by aqueous solvent , otherwise would form a dense structure .

  19. 通过丙烷与所选三种润滑油的互溶性对比实验,分析相应条件下制冷循环的性能,寻求丙烷制冷空调系统可采用的最佳冷冻油及其匹配比例。

    The best refrigerating oil and the best ratio between refrigerant and lubricant are found through the comparative experiments of propane with commonly used compressor lubricants and analyzing the refrigerating performance under the corresponding condition .

  20. 研究了在助溶剂作用下甲醇与柴油的互溶性、温度与不同混合方式对助溶剂作用效果的影响以及水分对甲醇-柴油-助溶剂体系的影响。

    This article discusses methanol and diesel oil 's influence on effect of the dissolvent from three aspects such as dissolvability , temperature and different ways of mix . And it also discusses the influence of water on system of methanol-diesel oil - dissolvent .

  21. 结果表明,键合剂的效能与键合剂和粘合剂的互溶性、粘合剂的链段结构、粘合剂的活性基团和固化剂的反应速度及它们的相互作用等方面,有强烈的相关性。

    The results have shown that the function of the bonding agent has a strong correlation with miscibility between the bonding agent and the binder , chain structure of the binder , reaction speed of the active functional group to the curative and their interaction .

  22. 然而,未精制的生物油中含有大量的含氧化合物,其中的氧含量高达40%,导致生物油热值低、化学稳定性差、不互溶性等缺点。

    However , the unpurified bio-oil contains many oxygenic compounds , leading to the high oxygen content of bio-crude ( 40wt % ), which lead to some detrimental properties , such as low heating value , chemical instability and immiscibility with hydrocarbon fuels and so on .

  23. 研究发现,Ni/(Ti,Me)(C,N)体系的润湿机理是存在元素扩散与金属/陶瓷互溶的反应性润湿。

    It is also found that wetting mechanism of Ni / ( Ti , Me )( C , N ) system is virtually a process in which diffusion and dissolution of elements are characterized .

  24. 钨与铜的互不相溶性决定了钨铜复合材料制备的特殊性。

    And as nanoparticles manifest some unusual properties and intensive activity , the preparation methods of nano Tungsten-copper composite material is more particular .

  25. 为测定二甲醚与蓖麻油混合燃料的临界互溶温度,对互溶性实验装置进行了改进。

    The critical solubility temperatures for16 different mass fractions of castor oil were measured with an improved experimental apparatus .