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zhǎn xīn
  • brand-new;completely new
崭新 [zhǎn xīn]
  • [brand-new] 非常新;簇新

  • 崭新的衣服

崭新[zhǎn xīn]
  1. 昨天他去给自己买了一辆崭新的小汽车。

    Yesterday he went off to buy himself a brand-new car .

  2. 他以分期付款的方式买了一台崭新的小轿车。

    He bought a brand-new car on instalments .

  3. 破旧的农舍与崭新的别墅比肩而立,很不协调。

    Old farmhouses and new villas stood together in uneasy proximity .

  4. 由廷德尔富有创见的著作发展出了一个崭新的科学分支。

    Tyndall 's inspired work spawned a whole new branch of science

  5. 原来的居民可能会认不出这个崭新的城镇了。

    The new town would have been unrecognisable to the original inhabitants .

  6. 一个崭新的德国必须迎接挑战,承担更多的责任。

    The new Germany must rise to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities

  7. 他们希望能够诞生一个崭新的、更加美好的东德。

    Their hope was that a new and better East Germany could be born

  8. 他那条防水裤崭新笔挺。

    His waterproof trousers were brand new and stiff

  9. 我钻到崭新洁净的被单底下。

    I slipped between the crisp clean sheets .

  10. 对于那名教练和他的年轻球队来说,一个崭新的时代似乎即将到来。

    A new era seemed to be about to dawn for the coach and his young team

  11. 对我们大多数人来说,一间崭新的由著名设计师设计的厨房只能是一种梦想。

    For most of us , a brand new designer kitchen is something we can only dream about

  12. 崭新的师生关系正在我们学校中形成。

    Completely new relations between teachers and students are taking shape in our school .

  13. 出现了崭新的局面。

    The situation has completely changed .

  14. 我们生活在一个崭新的、充满挑战的时代,技术使得竞争具有空前的容易性与激烈性。

    We 're living in a new and challenging time , in which technology has made competition easier and fiercer than ever before .

  15. 院本杂剧、诸宫调和俗谣俚曲尤以崭新面貌和杰出成就出现在文学史上,对于北曲的形成和走向产生了影响。

    The Jin dramas and folk songs gave a fresh presence and stood out in Chinese literary history , influencing the shaping and development of Bei qu ( northern tune ) .

  16. 他让废品商把汽车库里的东西清理出去时,遗失了一套崭新的扳手。这真是一个把洗澡水连同小孩一起倒掉的例子。

    He lost a brand-new set of spanners when he let the scrap dealer clear out the contents of his garage ; it was a case of throwing out the baby with the bath water .

  17. 不久之后,她意识到为了全身心地投入到崭新的未来中,自己必须采取大胆的行动。

    Soon after , she knew she had to make a bold move to fully commit to her new future .

  18. 他回来时,父亲给了他两枚闪闪发亮的崭新银币。

    When he came back , his father gave him two bright , new silver dollars .

  19. 驶离莫斯科愈来愈远以后,俄罗斯崭新的景象也逐渐消失。

    The new Russia steadily ebbs away drive out of Moscow .

  20. 大娃娃坐在崭新的童车里,满脸痴笑,能听得一清二楚

    The big doll , sitting in her new pram smirking , could hear it quite plainly .

  21. 例句我的旧自行车被偷了,但还好的是,保险公司给赔偿了一辆崭新的自行车。

    My old bike got stolen , but on the bright side , the insurance paid for a brand new bike .

  22. 她是个不折不扣的哭穷鬼。她家门口停着崭新的车,但总是拖着不付房租。

    She is a real poor mouth . She has a brand new car in her driveway , but always delays paying her rent .

  23. 我们过了桥,发现路两边全是崭新的房子,但在前面有一片树林,那里却什么都没有。

    After we crossed the ditch , we noticed that on both sides of us were newer houses , but nothing but trees lay ahead .

  24. 语义Web的提出和发展为语义检索的实现开辟了一条崭新的思路。

    The proposal and development of semantic web is a new inspiration .

  25. 焊接实验证明,十二相晶闸管CO2焊接电源具有崭新的工艺特点,发展前景广阔。

    The experiment proves that the new welding machine has brand , new craft character and bright future .

  26. DNA计算是以DNA分子和生物酶等为载体,以生化反应作为信息处理工具的一种崭新的计算模式。

    DNA computing is a brand news computing mode which is based on DNA molecular and biological enzyme and uses biochemical reaction as its information processing tool .

  27. 本文正是以此为契机,从对Audit的误译入手,追本溯源,探因究理,以期对审计定位和发展趋势进行一种崭新的理论探索。

    The essay just takes this chance , begins with misinterpretation of Audit and expects carrying out a theoretic research of audit orientation and developing trend .

  28. 基于以人为核心的SNS理念,社会化搜索将迎来崭新的图景。

    SNS-based human-centered philosophy , social search will usher in a new picture .

  29. 该模型的提出是一个崭新的思想,它结合了P2P网络架构和SIP标准的优势,为VOIP技术的发展指明了新的方向。

    It takes advantages of both P2P system and SIP standard and points out a new direction for VOIP development .

  30. 作为internet的一个崭新应用的电子商务已经渗透到传统商务活动的各个环节和各个领域,并对社会生活的各个方面产生直接影响。

    E-commerce as a new application of internet have go to all aspects of traditional business activities and all areas , and directly influence and change all aspects of social and economic life .
