
  • 网络Peroxydisulfuric acid;persulfuric acid
  1. 过二硫酸铵氧化4-AAP光度法测定环境水质中挥发酚

    Spectrophotometric determination of volatile phenols in the environmental samples with oxidation of 4-AAP using ammonium persulfate

  2. 研究了在过量碱溶液条件下,用过二硫酸铵(NH4)2S2O8氧化Mn(II)的方法制备了具有良好层状结构的MnO2(δMnO2)材料。

    MnO 2 with fine laminated structure was prepared by oxidizing Mn ( II ) with ammonium persulfate ( NH 4 ) S 2O 8 in excess quantity alkaline solution .

  3. 在超声辐射下,用过二硫酸钾(KPS)做引发剂,用原位聚合的方法使丙烯酸原位聚合在纳米PbS上。

    The modified nano-PbS is prepared by polymerizing the acrylic acid ( AA ) onto the nano-PbS in the presence of potassium persulfate ( KPS ) by an in situ polymerization method under ultrasonic irradiation .

  4. 部分失效过二硫酸铵测定反应速率的实验研究

    Study on Determination of Reaction Rate Proceeding with Part Invalid Ammonium Peroxydisulfate

  5. 过二硫酸铵氧化制备柔性石墨

    Preparation of Soft Graphite by Ammonium Per-sulfate

  6. 通过过二硫酸铵氧化和氨基磺酸铵化学修饰两个步骤,制备了在水中有较大溶解度的单壁碳纳米管。

    Water-soluble single-walled carbon nanotubes were prepared by successive ammonium persulfate oxidation and ammonium sulfamate chemical modification .

  7. 三邻菲咯啉合亚钌-亚硫酸根-过二硫酸钾化学发光法测定空气中的二氧化硫

    Chemiluminescence Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Air Using Tris ( 1,10-Phenanthroline ) ruthenium (ⅱ) - Sulfite-Potassium Persulfate System

  8. 过二硫酸铵氧化Fe~(2+)的反应条件研究及其在水泥生料快速测铁中的应用

    Study on Reaction Conditions of Ammonium Persulfate Oxidizing Iron (ⅱ) and its Use in Fast Determination of Iron in Raw Cement

  9. 本文改进了著名的过二硫酸铵与碘化钾反应动力学研究中反应速度的测定,并将测定改为微型化学实验技术。

    This is a discussion on improving the determination of chemical reaction rate in the famous study on kinetics of reaction between ammonium persulphate and kalium iodide .

  10. 本文研究了用含有活性剂(过二硫酸铵、高锰酸钾)的碳氨液从辉铜矿中浸取铜。

    This paper has been studied to soak from the Chalcocite to take copper with the sal volatile containing the active reagent ( ammonium peroxydisulphate or potassium permanganate ) .

  11. 通过实验确定了为测定低铁含量水泥生料中的铁而制备试液时,用过二硫酸铵氧化Fe2+的条件。

    In this paper , the conditions in which ammonium persulfate oxidizing iron (ⅱ) in preparing solution of raw cement for the determination of iron were established by experiment .

  12. 有关反应速率及活化能的测定实验,一般采用过二硫酸铵和碘化钾反应或过氧化氢分解反应等实验。

    To determine reactionary rate and active energy , we generally adopt the reaction active energy , we generally adopt the reaction of ammonium persulfate with potassium iodide or the decomposing reaction of hydrogen peroxide .

  13. 实验研究在碱性和酸性条件下过二硫酸钾高温氧化四种不同类型含磷标准化合物在海水中的回收率和影响回收率的因素。

    Experimental studies have been conducted on the decomposition efficiency of four different types of organic and inorganic phosphorus compounds in seawater under acid or basic condition by persulphate oxidation . The influence factors on decomposition efficiency , such as digestion time and pH were identified .