
  1. 我国民族体育品牌产品的保护与发展研究&以云南云子研究为例

    Discussion on the Protection and Development of National Sports Brand Product

  2. 吃竹笋和竹叶:美国出生的大熊猫云子在中国开始新的生活

    Eats shoots and leaves : US-bornpanda Yun Zi starts new life in China

  3. 云子紧张地在新家的墙边走来走去,中国成都,星期天。

    Yun Zi walksnervously around the perimeter of his new compound in Chengdu , China , on Sunday .

  4. 又一个早晨,云子发现了一小片竹子,上面还有三个分支向外延展。

    And one morning he found a small chunk of bamboo culm that had three short branches sticking out of it .

  5. 云子(意为“白云的儿子”)的第一站是一座新的大熊猫研究与疾控中心,位于都江堰,靠近中国四川省省会成都。

    First point of call for Yun Zi ( which means " Son of Cloud " ) was a new Giant Panda Conservation and Disease ControlCenter in Dujiangyan , near Chengdu , the capital of China'sSichuanprovince .

  6. 据信中国的野生大熊猫只剩下约1600只。而且云子不是最近唯一一个抵达成都的、拥有一定美国背景的大熊猫。

    though China insistsits all about conservation.Only about 1600 pandas are believed to be inleft in the wild in China.And Yun Zi isn 't the only giant panda to arrivein Chengdu inrecent days with a certain American pedigree .

  7. 就连语言也不一样。“美国人会怎么念它的名字呢?”即将每天照顾它的杨海迪(音译)问道。他试着引起云子的注意,但效果不佳。

    Even the language . " How would Americans pronounce hisname ? " asked Yang Haidi , who 'll be looking after him on a day-to-daybasis , and was trying , without much success , to get Yun Zi 's attention .

  8. 这里还有一些年龄约为6个月至一岁半的幼年大熊猫,因为它们最易受到疾病侵袭。28岁的倩倩是云子的邻居之一,她在野外被发现时两条腿已经断了。中国曾经将熊猫作为礼物赠送。

    There are also someyoungsters between six months and one and a half years , as they are mostvulnerable to disease.One of Yun Zi 's neighbors is 28-year-old QianQian , who was found in the wild with two broken legs.China used to give pandas as gifts .