
  1. 堂吉河德》是一部讽刺骑士小说的小说

    River morals " is novel satirizing the knight novel . " 《

  2. 但是,骑士小说最终遭到了禁毁。

    But , the knight novel finally encountered has destroyed .

  3. 在对于毒害了堂吉柯德的骑士小说的观念上,塞万提斯表达的是深恶痛绝。

    In regarding has poisoned in the hall lucky Ke De knight novel idea , Cervantes expresses is abhors .

  4. 在之后的百余年间,骑士小说在西班牙(葡萄牙)层出不穷,风靡一时。

    During more than hundred years in the after , the knight novel ( Portugal ) emerges one after another incessantly in Spain , was fashionable for a time .

  5. 追根溯源,骑士小说是在英雄史诗的基础上发展起来的,16世纪初达到了鼎盛。

    Gets to the bottom of a matter , the knight novel is develops in the heroic epic poem foundation , at the beginning of16th century had achieved are prosperous .

  6. 浪漫主义一词原意是用罗曼语(Roman)书写的故事,尤其指骑士传奇小说。

    The term " Romanticism " became popular at that time . The original meaning of the term " Romanticism " is the stories written by Roman language , especially the legends of knight .

  7. 略论骑士传奇与武侠小说

    On Chivalry Romance and Knight - Errant Story

  8. 《不存在的骑士》故意对骑士小说进行了笨拙的模仿。

    The Nonexistent Knight is an earthy parody of chivalry and knighthood .