
chén liáo
  • official in feudal times;the officials at court
臣僚 [chén liáo]
  • [the officials at court] 旧指辅佐君主的文臣武将

臣僚[chén liáo]
  1. 治河亦成为一时之重。这使得仁宗及其臣僚们意识到,朝廷必须有专职机构来管理这日益繁乱的河务。

    It made the emperor and his ministers recognized that there must be full-time institutions in the court to manage the river works which was increasingly complex .

  2. 其书保存了众多珍贵的周代职官史料,记载了具有等级制特征的各级贵族之臣僚,为其他先秦文献所鲜有。

    The book also preserved the numerous precious historical documents of the Zhou Dynasty 's professional official system , for example , the bureaucratic hierarchy at all levels of the noble .

  3. 若究其实质,将《仪礼》所记与周代职官制度史实相参照,等级臣僚形态实是西周春秋封建政治体制下多级君权的产物,其编纂显有历史依据。

    Not only that , Yili 's compilation has the historical basis by comparing the Zhou Dynasty 's bureaucratic hierarchy with the professional official system , but also it has important historical value .

  4. 随着国家行政制度的发展和变化,秦汉至唐臣僚上奏文书的名称、程式、用语、称谓与书写格式也发生了相应的变化。

    With the development and change of national administration system , great change has taken place in the official memorials such as the name , form , language , appellation and the pattern .
