
chén zǐ
  • Vassal;official in feudal times;official as subject to the king
臣子 [chén zǐ]
  • [official as subject to the king] 君主时代的官吏

臣子[chén zǐ]
  1. 小鲤鱼回答说:“我是东海龙王的臣子,不幸落到这里。您能够给我一些水来救我活命吗?”

    The little crucian carp answered : " I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea . Unfortunately I fell down here . Can you give me a little water to save my life ? "

  2. 从前,楚灵王喜欢他的臣子有纤细的腰。

    Xizhe , Chu Ling good slender waist with a disability .

  3. 而你这个臣子难道不是听我差遣么?

    And are you not a Lord at my command ?

  4. 我们无所畏惧的领导和她的臣子,快请进来。

    Our fearless leader and her liege , please do come in .

  5. 他是历代臣子劝谏君主时常被作为反例引用的暴君典型。

    He is the ancient typical tyrant who was cited as a counterexample .

  6. 这是一种高雅的智慧游戏,臣子们有时利用陪弈的良机,向帝王纳言进谏。

    Courtiers often took occasion of playing chess to offer advices to emperor .

  7. 如果她还做一个的臣子的妻子。

    If she remains the wife of a vassal .

  8. 他们认为如果一个臣子结婚了。

    They believed that if a vassal got married .

  9. 你忠心的臣子们向你表示欢迎,陛下。

    Your loyal subjects bid you welcome , highness .

  10. 他强迫她嫁给一个臣子。

    He forces her to marry a vassal .

  11. 不能再做臣子的妻子。

    Must not remain a vassal 's wife .

  12. 国王和他的臣子站在两扇门对面,已经就位。

    The king and his advisers were in their places , opposite the two doors .

  13. 618年,隋炀帝在江都被他的臣子杀害。

    In 618 , Emperor Yang was murdered in Jiangdu by one of his aides .

  14. 没有一个强劲的国家经济支撑着他们,他们会变成中国人的臣子。

    Without a strong national economy to back them up they will be become the vassals of Chinese .

  15. 他同他的臣子们讨论了很长时间如何处置我。

    For a long time he discussed with his lords in private what should be done with me .

  16. 师旷说:“我这个双目失明的臣子,哪里敢和大王开玩笑!

    Shi Kuang said : " How dare I , a blind minister , make fun of Your Majesty ?

  17. 老实讲,将桀铲除不是一个做臣子应该做的事,因为这是犯上。

    As a minister , you should not overthrow and eliminate Jie because it is offense of your superiors .

  18. 法老的臣子看见她,就把她举荐给法老,于是她就被带去收进法老的内宫中。

    Pharaoh 's courtiers saw her and praised her to Pharaoh , and she was taken into Pharaoh 's household .

  19. 扫罗的臣子却不肯伸手杀耶和华的祭司。

    But the king 's officials were not willing to raise a hand to strike the priests of the LORD .

  20. 在太阳王路易十四和其忠实臣子的统治下,法兰西在军事和政治上延续了半个世纪的盛世。

    France has had fifty years of military and administrative excellence under Louis XIV , the Sun King and his servants .

  21. 从漫画里可以看出,一位高高在上的公主和卑躬屈膝的臣子之间的爱情故事。

    From the caricature , I can tell this is a love story about a high princess with a inferior courtier .

  22. 小鲤鱼回答说:‘我是东海龙王的臣子。

    The little crucian carp answered : ' I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea .

  23. 这种风气也渐渐蔓延到宫外,写貌遍及一般臣子和老百姓。

    Since portrait painting gradually spread to outside of the imperial palace , ordinary officials and civilians also liked to be sketched .

  24. 由于奉行家天下的政治格局,形成皇帝与臣子,家长与家子层层的监护关系,皇帝、家长是完全行为能力人,臣于与家子从属于皇帝与家长,其人身,财产均受其支配、控制。

    Emperor and patriarch have complete ability , subjects and children subordinate them , there bodies , properties are protected by their master .

  25. 陛下和他的臣子们在三十年战争的舞台上,在叛乱和战争的幕景前创下了这一丰功伟绩。

    They achieved this in spite of a backdrop of strife and rebellion sparked by France 's involvement in the Thirty Years War .

  26. 1953年,在女王的加冕典礼上,他跪在女王面前,宣誓成为“誓死效忠的臣子”。

    At the queen 's coronation in 1953 , he kneeled before her and swore to be her " liege man of life and limb . "

  27. 他不但是国王的臣子,而且是他的近亲,那天他又是国王的东道主。

    He was not only a subject , but a near kinsman to the king ; and he had been his host and entertainer that day .

  28. 然后在开元年间,邸报被开元早报所取代。开元早报是手写在丝绸上的官方出版物,大部分被分发给臣子。

    During the Kaiyuan era , they were replaced with Kaiyuan Za Bao , an official publication handwritten on silk and distributed mostly to imperial officials .

  29. 当日有扫罗的一个臣子留在耶和华面前。他名叫多益,是以东人,作扫罗的司牧长。

    Now one of Saul 's servants was there that day , detained before the LORD ; he was Doeg the Edomite , Saul 's head shepherd .

  30. 我们前面说的有关鲲及鹏的故事,历史中记载汤与其臣子棘之间也有大同小异的说法。

    In history a story similar to the said story of the Kun and Peng was mentioned in the talk between Emperor Tang and his courtier Ji .
