
  • 网络Sou Fujimoto
  1. 厕所由建筑师藤本壮介(SouFujimoto)设计,是个共200平米的园林空间,抬头能看到天空,周围是一排排花盆。

    Designed by architect Sou Fujimoto , it is a 200 square meter landscaped space where the sky is above you and you are surrounded by rows of flower boxes .

  2. 亮点在厕所隔间。厕所由建筑师藤本壮介(SouFujimoto)设计,是个共200平米的园林空间,抬头能看到天空,周围是一排排花盆。

    The star is the " stall . " Designed by architect Sou Fujimoto , it is a 200 square meter landscaped space where the sky is above you and you are surrounded by rows of flower boxes .

  3. 市原市2010年翻修了三个火车站的旧厕所,并与藤本壮介签约在饭给站(Itabu)设计一个更漂亮的厕所,于是就有了上述那个世界最大的厕所。

    The city renovated the antiquated toilets at three stations in 2010 and contracted Mr. Fujimoto to design a more attractive one at Itabu station where the large lavatory is located .