
  • 网络legend;Figure legends;caption
  1. 地下水水化学剖面图注水井暂堵酸化改善吸水剖面技术研究

    Research of improving technology profile by water injection well temporary acidizing

  2. 城市地形图注记自动配置子系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of the Subsystem for Automated Names Placement on City Map

  3. 图注:箭头上的数字表示步骤发生的顺序。

    Figure Note : The numbers on the arrows indicate the order in which the steps occur .

  4. 论文以广州市某区域的城市地形图注记自动配置为例,对系统进行了测试和应用。

    At last , the subsystem was tested and applied in the program of the automatic name placement on Guangzhou city map .

  5. 最后,以目前国内外流行的主导软件Arc/Info为二次开发平台,开发了城市地形图注记自动配置子系统。

    Based on the character of the Arc / Info platform , the paper designs and implements a subsystem for the automatic name placement on city map .

  6. 这张图片还附有图注:“在德国某处,谷歌拍摄车拍到了这一奇怪的场景。”

    Text accompanying the screen shot , interpreted by Google Translate , reads ," Somewhere in Germany a Google camera car has photographed this strange situation . "

  7. 这段文本将出现在“图注栏”的旁边,因此在你要输入注释的时候,首先要确认“常规”选项中的“图注框”已被钩选。

    The text will appear alongside the map key , so if you enter notes , make sure that the Key box on the " General " page of the dialog is checked .

  8. 一种新的地形图汉字注记自动提取算法

    A New Algorithm of Automatic Chinese Characters Extraction from Topographic Maps

  9. 基于轮廓形状分析的地形图数字注记提取

    Numeric Annotation Abstraction from Map Based on Contour Shape Analysis

  10. 地形图数字注记的自动提取与识别

    Automatic Extraction and Recognition of Numbers in Topographic Maps

  11. 三维数字摄影图中注记点高程值的自动检查

    Auto-Check Altimetric Points in Three Dimensions Digital Photographic Map

  12. 基于主动知识库的地形图汉字注记智能提取方法

    Intelligent Chinese Character Extracting Method for Topographic Map Based on Active Knowledge Base

  13. 1∶1万地形图高程注记点采集方法研究遥感水下地形成图技术

    Research on the Collection Method of Height Figures on 1 ∶ 10000 Topography Map

  14. 关于色唯一图的注记

    A note on chromatic uniqueness of graphs

  15. 关于晕渲图中注记配置问题的研究

    Research on point annotation of hill-shading map

  16. 汉字矢量字形的输出是实现地图图面注记自动化的关键。

    The output of Chinese characters in vector from is the main problem of automatically lettering on map .

  17. 外形,轮廓某物的外廓、外形或轮廓基于轮廓形状分析的地形图数字注记提取

    The outline , form , or silhouette of a thing . Numeric Annotation Abstraction from Map Based on Contour Shape Analysis

  18. 由于当前很多生产单位的城市地图数据库中注记没有与目标关联,因此本文还研究了从图面注记到空间目标名称属性的自动转换方法。

    And , a novel approach is presented to automatically convert the labels of the annotation layer into the name attributes of the associated spatial objects because there are not the relations between annotations and objects in current cartographic database .

  19. 分析了装配图中序号注写的要求和数据结构,讨论了在CAD软件中开发序号注写模块的处理方法,并给出了主要的源程序。

    This paper analyses the demands and the data structures of number marking in the assembly graphics , discusses the treatment with developing the module of marked part number in CAD software , gives the principal programmes .

  20. 关于色等价图簇的注记

    Note on the Chromatic Equivalence class of Graph

  21. 有关强正则图的若干注记

    Notes on the Strongly Regular Graph

  22. 一种自动编图斑号注记的新方法在全国第二次土地调查中的应用

    The Application of A New Method of the Automated Coding Note in the Second Detailed Land Investigation Nationwide

  23. 为验证计划系统生成的各个照射野注量图与实际注量图的一致性,将剂量胶片放在平板有机玻璃体模下,使计划中的各个照射野始终垂直于体模表面;

    To verify the conformation between the fluence map of each beam predicted by the planning system and that actually delivered , a piece of film under a homogeneous polystyrene phantom was irradiated vertically with each of the beams to record the deposited dose .

  24. 关于p阶临界2边连通图的一个注记

    A Note on the p Critical 2 - Edge - Connected Graph

  25. 关于(k,d)-优美图的一点注记

    A Note on ( k , d ) - Graceful Graph

  26. 关于2G·npk图的一点注记

    A Remark on the 2G · np_k Graph

  27. 基于Voronoi图的点状要素注记自动配置

    The study on automatic name placement around point features based on Voronoi

  28. 二维和多普勒超声心动图评价正常人静注多巴酚丁胺的生理反应多巴酚丁胺负荷及运动试验~(99m)Tc-MIBI心肌断层显像与冠状动脉造影的对比研究

    Physiological Response of Normal Subject in Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography Value of dobutamine stress and exercise 99m Tc MIBI myocardial perfusion in the detection of coronary artery disease compared with coronary angiography

  29. 能理解图中的尺寸注法,并了解零件的技术要求,分析零件的。

    Needs to analyze and understand the representations of various views .

  30. 等高线图等高线高程自动注记算法研究

    Study on Arithmetic for Contour Height Automation Annotation in Contour Map