
  1. 这是宇宙有史以来从未出现过的现象:一颗地下流星。

    This would be something never before seen in the history of the universe : an underground shooting star .

  2. 天文学家探测到宇宙中有史以来最为明亮的一次爆炸。

    Astronomers have detected the brightest explosion ever witnessed in the heavens .

  3. 马道将他的结果与原有的低红移可见光观测结果合并,使得对宇宙恒星形成史的估计精确度提升。

    Madau combined his results with those from existing lower-redshift optical observations to refine the estimates of the star formation history of the universe .

  4. 因为望远镜在观测非常遥远的恒星和星系时,就好像在回溯过往,因此天文学家可藉由观测遥远的天体,一窥宇宙的膨胀史。

    Because telescopes look back in time as they gather light from far-off stars and galaxies , astronomers can explore the expansion history of the universe by focusing on distant objects .

  5. 在至少就我们所了解的宇宙而言,人类在特别是最近6000年里所达到的认识,在宇宙史上是一些全新的东西。

    What he has achieved , especially during the last 6000 years , is something utterly new in the history of the Cosmos , so far at least as we are acquainted with it .

  6. 我们不可能知道整个宇宙到底有多大,也许宇宙中存在更为遥远的区域。但是,光线在宇宙有史以来所传播的全部距离是个极限,我们无法看得更远。

    There may be parts of the universe that are farther away ( we can 't know how big the whole universe is ), but we can 't see farther than light could travel over the entire age of the universe .