
  1. 首次定位了控制旗叶挺直角度、倒二叶和倒三叶形态(叶长、叶宽和叶面积)、湿面筋含量和面筋指数的QTL。

    The present study firstly detected QTLs for flag leaf angle , leaf morphology ( length , width and area ) of the second and third leaf from the top , wet gluten content and gluten index .

  2. 第四、恢复叶挺自由,继续充当新四军军长;

    Yeh Ting and reinstate him as Commander of the New Fourth Army .

  3. 水稻叶片卷曲,可有效解决叶长和叶挺两者之间的矛盾。

    The rice rolled leaf could effectively solve the contradiction between long leaves and leaf erection .

  4. 〔18〕一九二六年北伐时,叶挺领导的部队为一个独立团。

    [ 18 ] Comrade Yeh Ting commanded an independent regiment during the Northern Expedition in 1926 .

  5. 这些部队即一九二七年八月一日在南昌起义的叶挺、贺龙的旧部。

    These troops , originally under the command of Comrades Yeh Ting and Ho Lung , staged the Nanchang Uprising of August 1 , 1927 .

  6. 那时虽然有贺龙、叶挺一支军队,但还不是政治上坚强的军队,党又不善于领导它,终归失败了。

    True , we had the troops under Ho Lung and Yeh Ting , but they were not yet politically consolidated , and the Party was not very skilled in leading them , so that they were finally defeated .