
  • 网络dry-growth
  1. 对于干增长的雾凇覆冰,主要受外加电压大小和绝缘子型式的影响;对于湿增长的雨凇覆冰,主要受与外加电压大小、绝缘子材料和型式、覆冰水电导率有关。

    The rime-ice with dry-growing process was mainly influenced by the applied voltage and the insulator configuration while the glaze-ice with wet-growing process was mainly influenced by the applied voltage , the insulator configuration , the insulator material , and the freezing water conductivity .

  2. 根据G(0,m)预测模型,由干周增长量、树高和枝展可有效预测枝量,由果数和单果重可有效预测产量。

    The amount of branch was effectively predicted by increment of trunk circumference , tree high and branch width , and yield by fruit number and per fruit weight .

  3. 详细论述了Feddes模型的理论基础及该模型中两个主要参数&潜在干物质增长率和最大用水效率的确定方法。

    In this paper , the rationale of Feddes model and the evaluation mathod of potential growth rate in dry matter and maximum water use efficency are explained in detail .

  4. 植株鲜重、干重增长高峰期在出苗后35~75d(其中地下部分在35~85d,地上部分在25~45d)。

    The growth peak of fresh weight and dry weight was after emerging 35 ~ 75 day ( underground partially in 35 ~ 85 day , Aerial parts in 25 ~ 45 day ) .

  5. 玉米干物质增长的数学模拟和气象条件分析

    Mathematical simulation and meteorological analysis of dry matter accumulation in corn

  6. 红富士干周增长规律的数学模型

    Researches on Mathematical Models for Increasing Regular of Trunk Girth of Red Fuji

  7. 温光条件与水稻叶片生长和干物质增长的关系

    Effects of temperature and light conditions on leaf growth and dry matter increase of rice

  8. 纤维蛋白和高分子混合支架的研究及其对大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞增长的影响

    Hybrid Scaffold from Fibrin and Biodegradable Polymer Fibers and its Effect on Proliferation of Rat Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells

  9. 烤烟地上部干物质增长过程与有效积温关系研究

    Studies on the relationship between the course of the dry matter accumulation in aerial parts in flue-cured tobacco and the available accumulation temperature

  10. 4月采叶33显著抑制株高、地径、叶面积和叶生物量干质量增长;

    Harvest 3 / 3 of leaves in April significantly harmed the increment of tree height , basal diameter , leaf area and leaf biomass dry weight .

  11. 干物质增长速率与正常区接近,比干旱区高0.76g/d;

    The rate of dry-matter increase was close to that under the normal treatment , and was higher than that under the dry treatment by 0.76 g / d ;

  12. 以冬小麦品种北农6号为材料,采用温室管栽试验,研究了土壤水分变动条件对冬小麦干物质增长分配率及产量的影响。

    Greenhouse experiments were carried out with wheat ( BeiNong 6 ) . The effect of soil water fluctuation on dry matter allocation and grain yield in winter wheat were studied .

  13. 不同品种的核桃实生树枝条电阻分别与株高增长量、干周增长量、株高、干周呈显著正相关。

    The resistance of shoots of different cultivars of walnut seedlings had positive correlation significantly with the increment of tree height , the increment of trunk girth , tree height and trunk girth .

  14. 用含氮量显著不同的幼铃饲喂棉铃虫时,高氮食物使6龄幼虫的干重增长,同时食物利用率提高。

    When reared on bolls with increased N content , the bollworm had higher dry weight in the 6th instar larvae and at the same time , the assimilation efficiency of food was enhanced .

  15. CO2浓度为700×10-6、500×10-6处理分别比350×10-6处理的玉米干物重增长13.8%和5.6%,产量增长18.2%和8.7%;

    Compared with 350 × 10 - 6 treatment , the increament rate of dry weight and yield are 13.8 % and 18.2 % at 700 × 10 - 6 , 5.6 % and 8.7 % at 500 × 10 - 6 in maize ;

  16. 随着茎叶干物质的增长,干物质中中性洗涤纤维(NDF)和酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量逐渐增加,分别由苗期的42.59%和32.03%升至成熟期的61.50%和46.68%;

    Content of neutral detergent fiber ( NDF ) and acid detergent fiber ( ADF ) in dry matter increased gradually from 42.59 % , 32.03 % at the seedling stage to 61.50 % , 46.68 % at the podding stage , respectively ;

  17. 越冬菠菜鲜重、干重的增长动态

    The increasing trends of fresh and dry weight of OVERWINTERING SPINACH

  18. 鼓粒期的水分胁迫处理推迟了大豆干物重增长的时间。

    On dry matter : Water stress treatments declined the dry matter of soybean significantly .

  19. 萌发速率随着干藏时间增长而增加。

    The germination rate in both species also increased with the increase of storage time .

  20. 鲜重的增长速率要大于干重的增长速率。

    The increase rate of fresh weight is faster than the increase rate of dry weight .

  21. 幼果期果实干物质的增长慢,8月以后果实中干物质大量积累;

    The increasing of dry matter in young fruit was slow , but dry matter in fruit accumulated rapidly after August .

  22. 单株和根重量的增长在各年间均呈直线上升,单株根干重日增长量在各年中均出现2次高峰,以前一峰值为高。

    It also showed that there were two peaks of dry root weight increase per plant each year , but the first one much higher .

  23. 为了摸清都柳江低热河谷区夏橙果实的生长发育规律,通过生育期定期采样,研究了伏今夏橙果实的鲜重、水分、干物质的增长变化规律。

    The changes of fresh weight , dry matter weight and water in single fruit of Valencia sweet orange during the growth and development were studied .

  24. 播种晚则瘤茎横径线性增长持续时间短,纵径、干鲜质量增长速率低,而菜形指数的变化由慢到快的递增演变为由快到慢的递减。

    Variation of tumorous stem index was from slow to quick growth pattern in earlier sowing date , while from quick to slow growth pattern in later sowing date .

  25. 但在花后18&30天期间,当籽粒干重的增长率达到高峰期时,茎叶干重的损失量也到达最大值。

    When the increase in grain dry weight reached its maximum about 18 & 30 days after anthesis , the amount of materials lost from the leaf and stem was also the greatest .

  26. 施氮水平对地上干物质瞬时增长速率有较大影响,施氮水平过低或过高时其增长速率均下降。

    The instantaneous growth rate of aboveground dry matter was greatly affected by the nitrogen application rate , and it generally increased with nitrogen application before up to critical rate , then decreased at higher nitrogen rates .

  27. 银杏外种皮鲜重在授粉后50d开始迅速增长,而干重的迅速增长期稍晚于鲜重;银杏外种皮水分的含量,在种实发育前期较高,随后逐渐降低。

    The fresh weights of episperm began to increase rapidly at 50 d after pollination , and the dry weights increased later . The water contents of episperm are higher in earlier stage , and then declined gradually .

  28. 繁殖方式对干物质量的增长速率无明显影响。

    Propagation methods showed no distinct actions on the increasing rate of the dry weight of rhizomes .

  29. 叶片干重的绝对增长速率动态和叶面积的绝对扩展速率动态为正-负单峰型。

    The trends of absolute increasing rate of LW and absolute expanding rate of leaf area ( LA ) were represented by positive-negative single-peak curves .

  30. 播种后14~21天内,基质对甜瓜幼苗的生长影响很大,全株干重的日增长量相差1.201mg/d;

    Fourteen to 21 days after sowing , seedling growth was greatly influenced by the media with an average growth rate of 1.201 g / day .