
jiǔ guì
  • wine cabinet;liquor cabinet;gradevin
酒柜 [jiǔ guì]
  • [liquor cabinet] 存放酒精饮料及混合饮料的柜子、壁橱或类似的贮物地

酒柜[jiǔ guì]
  1. 伊根穿行来到酒柜旁,倒了一杯苏格兰威士忌。

    Egan crossed to the drinks cabinet and poured a Scotch .

  2. 帕特森径直走到酒柜前,取出一瓶苏格兰威士忌。

    Patterson went straight to the liquor cabinet and extracted a bottle of Scotch

  3. LED橱柜灯LEDLights图片。适用范围:厨房、卧室、酒柜内,客厅家具柜内照明。

    Scope : All kinds of cabinets and furnishings in parlor , kitchen , and bedroom etc.

  4. AVR单片机在双温双控酒柜控制器中的应用

    Application of AVR MCU in Dual Temperature / Independent Control Wine Cabinet Controller

  5. 鸡尾酒柜角落里随处可见的积满灰尘的茴香烈酒、迈塔克瑟白兰地酒以及Fundador也是对此的证明&满怀希望的旅游者迫切买下了这些液体纪念品,却将其束之高阁。

    Dusty bottles of ouzo , Metaxa and Fundador lurk in cocktail cabinets everywhere as testament to hopeful travellers keen to import liquid souvenirs .

  6. 明天我们将在一辆摩托车边车(雪铁龙(Citroen)?)中尝试把它与白葡萄酒调在一起(KirBourgie?)。不过,现在它需要去往我所有的客人迟早都要呆着的地方——酒柜。

    Tomorrow , we would try it in a sidecar ( the Citro ë n ? ) and with white wine ( the Kir Bourgie ? ) , but for now , the bottle needed to go where all my guests end up sooner or later . In the liquor cabinet .

  7. 佩尔特向墙边的红木酒柜走去。

    Pelt walked over to a rosewood cabinet against the wall .

  8. 有没有可能把酒柜的钥匙还给我?

    Any chance I can get the key to that drinks cabinet back ?

  9. 现在你要知道的唯一地址是那边酒柜的威士忌。

    Right now the only address you need is the whiskey in that cabinet .

  10. 外国人:卖酒柜台处那个男人,刚才对我十分不满。

    Foreigner : That man at the bar got really annoyed with me just now .

  11. 每次来我的住处,他都径直朝去酒柜走去。

    Whenever he comes over to my place he goes straight for the liquor cabinet .

  12. 餐厅酒柜红色吸引着客户的注意力。

    Service bar red highlights customer attention .

  13. 我唯一需要的东西就在酒柜里。

    The only thing I need to get through this is in the drinks cabinet .

  14. 你的酒柜要货源充足——你必须满足每个人的口味。

    Stock up the bar - you 'll need to have something for everyone 's tastes .

  15. 你可能想不到客房的酒柜可以向上自由翻开,平添几分趣味。

    You may have never thought the wine cabinet can turn open freely upward , very funny .

  16. 女性更喜欢从酒柜里拿东西,11%的女性有这个爱好,而喜欢这么做的男性只有8%。

    Women were keener to raid the mini bar , 11 percent compared to eight percent of men .

  17. 这个酒柜是件考究的古董,里面是个小酒吧,还有一个冰桶,这是每天下午都要准备在那里的。

    The ornate antique contained a small bar , complete with an ice bucket which was stocked every afternoon .

  18. 太棒了!我高兴地说到,然后就来到酒柜前拿了一瓶啤酒。

    I am pleased to say , and then came to get a bottle of beer before the bar .

  19. A企业是国内一家酒店设备制造厂商,产品主要以红酒酒柜为主。

    A company is one of leading hotel equipment manufacturers , and it is specialized in red wine cabinet .

  20. 游艇配有雷达导航系统、高频通信设备,冰箱、酒柜等一应俱全。

    The yacht is equipped with radar navigation systems , high frequency communications equipment , refrigerators , wine cooler , etc.

  21. 实践证明单片机是当前酒柜及家电产品实现智能化控制的最佳选择。

    Practice has proved that SCM is the best choice for realizing intelligent control of wine cellars and other appliances .

  22. 这真是第一流的酒家,具有昂贵的帘幕,珍奇的名酒,和在全国堪称一绝的酒柜器皿。

    It was a truly swell saloon , with rich screens , fancy wines , and a line of bar goods unsurpassed in the country .

  23. “我看你是想喝罗姆酒,而不是红葡萄酒,”瑞德说着就伸手到酒柜里,拿出一个矮瓶子。

    " You 'd rather have rum than claret , I suppose ," said rhett , reaching into the cellaret and producing a squat bottle .

  24. 要实现以上这些奇迹足以让物理学家们忙活一段时日,拓扑绝缘体正在从酒柜运用向笔记本运用方向扩散。

    While such curiosities are sure to keep physicists busy , work is already under way to move topological insulators from the wine cooler to the laptop .

  25. 产品主要包括:钢木床、床头柜、餐桌、餐椅、茶几、面包架、酒柜以及家居配衬工艺品。

    The product mainly includes iron-wood beds , bedside cupboard , dinner tables , dinner chairs , tea tables , bread shelf , wine cupboard and art decorations , etc.

  26. 让酒柜成为你家居装饰中的一员,让剔透水晶杯在温馨的居所中与红酒不期而遇。

    With a wine cooler in your house , you can have the perfect pairing of delicious chilled wine with beautiful crystal glass to create an unforgettable romantic evening .

  27. 这款空调是海尔“智能家电”家族的一员,这个家族中还包括一款云端控制的智能酒柜、一款云端控制的洗衣机以及一款云端控制的智能冰箱。

    The AC is one of a family of Haier " smart appliances " that includes an intelligent cloud-controlled wine celler , a cloud-controlled washer , and an intelligent could refrigerator .

  28. 成立于2008年,是中日合作的一家以专门生产全静音系列酒店客房电子冰箱、医院病房电子冰箱、酒柜的制造商。

    Foshan Odegree Electrical Appliance Co. , Ltd. , set up in2008 , is China-Japan enterprise specialized in No noise type TE hotel minibar , Hospital room fridge and Wine Cellar .

  29. 她一哭起来就象一只喷水壶,酒柜侍者应声说。有她就用不着安引水管道了。这茶壶的壶嘴坏了。

    " She cries like a sprinkling can ," the barman said . " They ought to have her instead of the aqueduct . " This teapot 's got a broken spout .

  30. 实际上,他的确起到了工具的作用,因为他将我们喝的酒都储存起来(他的宝贝酒柜),还有我们爱吃的东西(烧烤的时节就要来了,宝贝的烤肉架)。

    And , actually , he does serve a tool-like purpose , since he stores most of the wine we drink ( gotta love his wine racks ) and the food we eat ( grilling season is upon us , gotta love his grill ) .