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xī hé
  • Xihe River;Western River
西河 [xī hé]
  • (1) [Western River]

  • (2) 古地区名,春秋时指卫国的沿黄河地区(今河南浚县、滑县地区),在卫之西境

  • (3) 战国时魏国黄河以西之地,今陕西东部黄河西岸的一段

  1. 本文介绍了西河闸监控系统的结构和功能,讨论了系统中PLC的软硬件设计,以及触摸屏和上位机与PLC的通信问题。

    This paper introduces the configuration and function of a PLC-based supervision system for Xihe gate , The hardware and software , and the communication between the computer and PLC are also discussed .

  2. 他们找到了最贫困的北方邦(UttarPradesh)地区和比哈尔邦(Bihar)偏远的戈西河地区(KosiRiver)——一个经常遭受洪水,没有路可走也不通电的地区——的孩子们。

    They found children in the poorest areas of Uttar Pradesh and in the remote Kosi River area of Bihar -- an area with no electricity that is often flooded and unreachable by roads .

  3. 他们找到了最贫困的北方邦(UttarPradesh)地区和比哈尔邦(Bihar)偏远的戈西河地区(KosiRiver)一个经常遭受洪水,没有路可走也不通电的地区的孩子们。

    They found children in the poorest areas of Uttar Pradesh and in the remote Kosi River area of Bihar & an area with no electricity that is often flooded and unreachable by roads .

  4. 这就意味着要在Chatara地区的戈西河上架桥,并恢复主要道路的交通,例如Mahendra公路。

    This means building a bridge over the Kosi at Chatara and restoring the traffic along major travelling routes , such as the Mahendra highway .

  5. 而且这个问题并不仅限于Kusaha的溃堤地点&比哈尔邦的中游和下游三角洲的戈西河的新河道的位置是完全不确定的。

    And the problem is no longer just the breach site at Kusaha & it is totally uncertain where the new Kosi channel will be in the middle and lower delta in Bihar .

  6. 这部影片由贾樟柯的西河星汇出品。

    The film was produced by Jia 's own Xstream Pictures .

  7. 抚西河流域水环境容量测算

    Measuring and Calculating the Water Environmental Capacity of the Fuxi River Basin

  8. 西河缓洪库坝基处理方案探讨

    Discussion on the Foundation Treatment of Xihe Flood Detention Reservoir

  9. 呼和浩特市西河橡胶坝设计特点

    Design Character of Rubber Dam Cross Xi River in the City of Hohhot

  10. 默尔西河和克莱德湾成了我们赖以呼吸的肺叶。

    The mersey , the Clyde were the lungs through which we breathed .

  11. 西河滩遗址发掘主要收获及其意义

    The Main Gains and Meaning of Disinterment of Xi he tan Archaeological Sites

  12. 但是他们今晨在西河附近发现了他的车。

    But they did find his car in the East River early this morning .

  13. 基于可编程控制器的西河闸监控系统

    A PLC-based Supervision System for Xihe Gate

  14. 春秋属晋,战国归赵,汉代设西河郡。

    Jin is the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period to the Zhao Han River County-based .

  15. 他解释为何福雷卡里亚大桥的基西基西河,是象征性的。

    He explained why the Forecariah Bridge , over the Kissi Kissi River , is symbolic .

  16. 西河水电站闸坝渗漏原因及加固灌浆处理效果评价

    Reason for Seepage of Gate Dam of Xihe Hydroelectric Station and Assessment on Grouting Reinforcement Treatment

  17. 接着,孙金龙一行来到位于滨湖新区的塘西河公园和金斗公园。

    Sun came to Tangxi He Park and Jindou Park located in New Lakefront District later on .

  18. 主要改善西河村居民居住环境,临县城主要街道建设商业门店。

    On both sides of the main streets in the urban area will be built business stores .

  19. 我在观察一些鹰在博伊西河上捕鱼的时候抓拍到了这两只好斗的家伙。

    I was watching a few eagles fishing in the Boise River when I captured these two fighting .

  20. 到尚比西河来个激流泛舟,这条河拥有全世界最顶级的激流冒险之旅。

    Go white-water rafting on the Zambezi River , the river that provides the world 's greatest whitewater adventure .

  21. 戈西河是一条巨大的传送带,把沉积物从喜马拉雅地区传送到了孟加拉湾。

    The Kosi acts as a massive conveyor belt taking sediment from the Himalaya to the Bay of Bengal .

  22. 投资概算:平乡县西河村城中村改造项目预计总投资7.4亿元。

    Total Cost of the Project : The investment of the reconstruction project will have a total budget of740 million yuan .

  23. 这种流动并不是因为森林砍伐:今天戈西河流域的森林覆盖面积比此前任何时候都多。

    This flow cannot be blamed on deforestation : we have more forest cover in the Kosi catchment today than ever before .

  24. 抚西河综合整治是抚顺市区内七条支流河整治项目之一。

    The regulating work of FuXi river is a part of the comprehensive improvement works for seven HunHe offshoot in FuShun section .

  25. 林则徐家族世系的新发现&论署名林则徐《西河郡林氏族谱序》及其考证

    New discovery of Lin Ze-xu 's family lineage & On The Lin 's Genealogical Tree in Xihe County signed by Lin Ze-xu and its research

  26. 该文介绍了贵阳市城区市西河截污沟工程,并对截污沟工程设计的溢流问题作了探讨。

    The article introduces Guiyang City Area Shixi River Sewage Interception Channel Project , and probes into the overflow problems of the designed sewage interception channel project .

  27. 其中河流下游冲洪积三角洲平原、西河河流流经地区以及黑河干流西面的水库区绿洲表现得比较稳定,外围绿洲表现为不够稳定。

    The stable oasis is in alluvial delta plain of Heihe River downstream , West River flow region and the reservoir region of the west of Heihe River .

  28. 早期,西河大鼓以说唱中、长篇书目为主,如《杨家将》、《呼家将》等。

    At the early stage , stories were mostly medium length or long , such as the Generals of the Yang Family and Generals of the Hu Family .

  29. 把尼泊尔东部新的戈西河切断的地区和该国其他地方尽快连接起来,这也是一项优先任务。

    Reconnecting the regions cut off by the new Kosi in eastern Nepal to the rest of the country as soon as possible is also a high priority .

  30. 在天津市两个水厂的水源地(芥园和凌庄)&西河预沉池建立了源水水质在线监测系统。

    The system of real-time monitoring on raw water quality was built on the pre-sedimentation tank where the source water of two works comes from at Xihe by author .