
  • 网络regenerated fibre;man-made fiber;Regenerated Fibers
  1. 再生纤维深加工及其应用技术

    Deep Process Technology and Application of Regenerated Fibre

  2. 对再生纤维的生产技术与设备进行了研究,建成了再生纤维生产线,进而开发出一系列再生纤维深加工产品。

    The producing technology and equipment for regenerated fibre is studied , the production line of regenerated fibre is built up and a series of deep processed products for regenerated fibre are developed further .

  3. 脑啡肽、P物质阳性再生纤维可见两类,膨体样串珠状纤维和大串珠状纤维。

    Regenerative ENK-IR and SP-IR axons were divided into two types : varicosity - like fibers and big bead-like fibers .

  4. HRP法对异种神经移植后再生纤维恢复的形态学研究

    Morphological Study on the Nerve Fiber Regeneration after Heterograft by HRP

  5. 用DPS分析再生纤维织物服用性能

    Analysis on the wearability of regenerated fiber weaves by DPS software

  6. B组NGF侧再生纤维排列欠整齐,以有髓纤维为主,且髓鞘厚,轴突直径大;

    In group B at the NGF side , there was fair-arranged nerve fiber , mainly with myelinated nerve , and with thick myelin large axon diameter .

  7. 目的通过研究大鼠周围神经端侧吻合后腓总神经功能指数(PFI)和电生理指标,定量评价端侧吻合后再生纤维的功能。

    Objective : To study the peroneal nerve function index and electrophysiological test after peripheral nerve end-to-side anastomosis and evaluate quantificationally the function of collateral sprouting .

  8. 结果:实验侧脊髓前角及脊神经节可见HRP标记细胞,端端吻合效果显著好于端侧吻合,端侧吻合后再生纤维中感觉纤维和运动纤维兼而有之。

    Results : The labelled neurons were also found in the anterior horn of the spinal cord and the spinal ganglia . Conclusion : The regenerative nerve fibers had motor fibers as well as sensory fibers by end to side neurorrhaphy .

  9. 再生纤维热分散系统的性能比较

    A comparative study on the recycled fiber heat dispersion systems

  10. 使用再生纤维时纸机织物的清洗与调节

    Cleaning and Conditioning Paper Machine Clothing for Recycled Fiber Use

  11. 新型再生纤维性能的灰色关联评价

    The Grey System Research of the New Reproduce Fiber Function

  12. 机织仿毛皮再生纤维绒头织物

    Furskin , imitation of woven pile fabric of regenerated fibres

  13. 结论:腓神经远端的再生纤维来源于胫神经,再生纤维中感觉纤维和运动纤维均有;

    Conclusion : The regenerative fibers originated from collateral sprouting of tibial nerve .

  14. 再生纤维主要为细小的有髓神经纤维。

    The regenerating fibers were mainly small myelinated fibers .

  15. 再生纤维中既有感觉成分又有运动成分。

    And both motor and sensor fibers were regenerated .

  16. 壳聚糖聚电解质复合物再生纤维软骨的实验研究

    Experimental study on chitosan-polyelectrolyte complex as a scaffold for cartilage regeneration in vivo

  17. 新型再生纤维面料及服装的热湿舒适性研究

    A Study on Thermal-Wet Comfort of Fabric and Clothing with New-typed Regenerated Fiber

  18. 再生纤维绳绒织物(不包括地毯料)

    Chenille fabric of regenerated fibres ( excl. carpeting )

  19. 桉木浆半纤维素含量对再生纤维超分子结构及成纸性能的影响

    Effect of Hemicellulose Content on the Supramolecular Structure and Paper Properties of Second Fiber

  20. 对纺织废地毯再生纤维增强混凝土的力学性能进行实验研究。

    Effects of pressing and drying on the cellulose crystalline degree of recycled fiber ;

  21. 新型再生纤维的开发现状及纤维性能

    Developing condition and property of new reproduced fibers

  22. 床毯,再生纤维制(不包括电热毯和具有特殊形状的动物用毯)

    Blanket of regenerated fibres ( excl. electric blankets and specially shaped animal blankets )

  23. 甲壳素抗菌再生纤维的性能测试分析

    Test and Analysis of Chitosan Antibacterial Regenerated Fibers

  24. 新型再生纤维针织内衣面料服用性能测试分析

    Study on the Wearability of Knitted Underwear Fabrics Made from New Reproduced Fibers Blended Yarns

  25. 用再生纤维加工转杯纱的研究

    Processing Open-End yarn by the Reused Fibre

  26. 聚酯废料再生纤维研究

    Study on regenerate fibre from polyester waste

  27. 自然界资源正日益枯竭,再生纤维成为一种新的环保面料,广受服装界青睐。

    Regenerated fiber as a new environment-friendly material , widely favored by the fashion industry .

  28. 利用等离子技术治理再生纤维汽车内衬生产过程中的烟气

    Cleaning of flue gas in production of auto - liner made of regenerative fiber using plasma

  29. 割绒再生纤维灯芯绒

    Corduroy of regenerated fibres , cut

  30. 聚酯瓶回收制再生纤维

    Making fiber from reclaimed PET bottles