
  1. 但是即使经济增长了,仍有心理阴影的日本消费者却不想再消费。

    But even as the economy expanded , shell-shocked consumers refused to spend .

  2. 到海边度假一周成了他们再也消费不起的一种奢侈。

    A week by the sea is a luxury they can no longer afford

  3. 我们再回到消费报道,TodMarks,更广为人知的是TighwadTod这个名字。见到你很高兴。

    We welcome back consumer reports , Tod Marks , also known as Tighwad Tod , good to see you ?

  4. 只有加利福尼亚洲要求回收再利用消费电子产品中的可充电电池。

    Only California requires the collection and recycling of rechargeable batteries found in consumer electronics .

  5. 其一是通过财富效应作用于消费,再通过消费的吸收效应引起贸易差额的变化。

    One is the effect on consumption through the wealth effect , and the absorption effects caused by consumption changes the balance of trade .

  6. 美好的事业与产品挂钩,然后由消费者购买,消费者再把这种消费作为其形象的一部分像品牌一样对外展示。

    Good causes come attached to products and are bought by consumers who display them , like brands , as part of their image .

  7. 其次,再分析关于崇尚消费的思想。

    Secondly , analyze the thought of advocating consumption .

  8. 后危机时代全球经济利益再平衡,负债消费型增长模式和生产过剩型增长模式都被迫调整。

    The rebalance of post-crisis economic interests , the growth mode of debt-financed consumption and of overproduction all have to be adjusted .

  9. 所有这些改革对于中国促进经济增长再平衡、鼓励消费和减少对出口的依赖的目标来说,是必要的。

    All of these reforms are necessary to promote Chinas goals of rebalancing economic growth , encouraging consumption and reducing the reliance on exports .

  10. 再结合中国旅游消费群体特殊的消费需求,分析中国保护区生态旅游的现状和存在的矛盾。

    And then , considering the special requires of tourists in China , existing problems in the development of eco-tourism in Chinese Protected Area were revealed .

  11. 对微观消费理论的新儒学诠释是从人开始谈起,而后再展开及于微观消费理论的标的函数与限制条件。

    Starting from the viewpoint of human beings , the author discusses the Neo-Confucian explanation which is developed to cover the objective functions and constraints of micro-consumption theory1ater .

  12. 尽管最近的数据似乎表明形势有一定企稳,但国际间仍对中国经济放缓和政府推动经济再平衡、让消费扮演更大角色的努力感到不安。

    While recent data suggest there is some stabilisation , international jitters remain over the slowdown and the extent of the government 's efforts to rebalance towards consumption .

  13. 你可能从政治学专业的学生变成了律师或者公司代理人,再变成专门研究消费品领域的税收问题的公司代理人。

    You go from being a political-science major to being a lawyer to being a corporate attorney to being a corporate attorney focusing on taxation issues in the consumer-products industry .

  14. 多年来,北京方面一直在试图提振家庭消费,对经济进行再平衡,转向消费驱动型增长,但当前努力(似乎更有可能造福于工业部门)潜在可能逆转这一趋势。

    Beijing has for years been trying to boost household consumption and rebalance the economy towards consumer-driven growth , but the current push , which seems likely to benefit industrial sectors , could potentially reverse that .

  15. 由于中国国内需求的增长再加上日本消费水平的下降,今年中国有望取代日本成为世界最大的奢侈品消费市场。

    China is expected to replace Japan as the world ` s top consumer of luxury goods this year because of growing demand in the nation and declining consumption in Japan , according to the association .

  16. 该报告认为高房租锁定了消费能力,对经济造成损害,并表示房租再上涨10%,消费就会减少35亿美元。

    High rental prices damage the economy by locking up consumer spending power , the report argues , finding that a further 10 per cent rise in rental prices would suck up about $ 3.5bn of consumption .