
  • 网络Refinancing;Re-lending;refinance;relending
  1. 他们曾经的一位姻亲向人借了4000美元来帮助他们。斯特里克兰夫妇去银行办理房屋再贷款时,一位银行职员居然主动为他们排除了障碍。

    And there was the former sister-in-law who borrowed $ 4000 to help them , and the bank employee who cleared the way , unexpectedly , for the Stricklands to refinance their home .

  2. 你的保险公司可能会有关于一笔最终付款的解决的消息,或者你会跟你的银行谈关于按揭或再贷款的事宜。

    You may hear from your insurance company about a final payout settlement , or speak to your banker about a mortgage or refinancing deal .

  3. 中央银行再贷款利率与同业拆借利率的非对称动态传导机制

    Unsymmetric Dynamic Transmitting System of Refinancing Rate and Inter Bank Operating Rate

  4. 中国人民银行再贷款:功能演变与前景探讨

    The Loans of People 's Bank of China : Functions and Prospects

  5. 新时期进一步完善支农再贷款制度的思考

    Thought on How to Improve Reloading System for Supporting Peasants during New Period

  6. 银行可以将场外交易收到的抵押品进行再贷款,以此进行补充。

    Banks can supplement that by relending the collateral they garner through OTC deals .

  7. 同时,降低了中央银行再贷款和再贴现利率。

    At the same time , lowered the central bank refinancing and rediscount interest rates .

  8. 关于支农再贷款覆盖面低下问题的调查研究

    The Investigation and Study on Problem of the Lower Percentage of Cover in Supporting Agriculture Rediscount

  9. 金融杠杆与风险分担&支农再贷款操作效应的实证研究

    Financial Leverage and Risk Share : An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of Agricultural Supporting Relending Policy

  10. 温和的信贷紧缩政策&关注差别准备金率和再贷款浮息制度

    Gentle Credit Retrenchment Policies

  11. 增加对商业银行和城乡信用社的再贷款,增强金融机构贷款能力。

    The central bank increased loans to commercial banks and credit cooperatives in the year to enable them to increase credit .

  12. 结果表明,降低农民申请贷款的机会成本与商业银行的再贷款利率,提高农民投资项目的成功概率将有助于农民获取贷款。

    The conclusion is , the decrease in the opportunity cost and refinancing rat , the increase in the probability of success can help farmer win the loan .

  13. 为了帮助农信社生存和发展,解决农信社资金来源匮乏的问题,央行对农信社一直实施低利率再贷款制度,这已经成为农信社资金流与放贷稳定的重要依靠和保证。

    In order to help the survival and development of rural credit cooperatives and to solve problems of shortage source of rural credit cooperatives , central bank refinance the system and implement low interest rates , this has become the important reliance and guarantee of cooperatives capital and lending stability .

  14. 这家银行不愿再对外贷款,那样的话,等于关门停业。

    The bank wouldn 't lend any more money , which was tantamount to making the business close down .

  15. 希腊和葡萄牙不太可能再以贷款形式从欧元区其它国家获得进一步纾困。

    Further bail-outs of Greece and Portugal in the form of loans from the rest of the eurozone are unlikely .

  16. 克林顿要么说服赞助商给她更多经费来维持长期选举要么再去贷款上千万。

    She 'll have to either persuade donors to give her more money to sustain her long-shot bid or float herself another multimillion-dollar loan .

  17. 该银行经理说,他会每天检查帐目,到月底再决定贷款问题。

    The bank manager said he would monitor the account from day to day and make his decision about a loan at the end of the month .

  18. 月份再融资贷款的比例进一步上升,反映银行之间的竞争继续扩展至再融资贷款的范畴。

    Much of this competition continues to be channelled into refinancing loans , as shown by the further rise in the proportion of such loans in october .

  19. 中国国内的交易商现在正在进口大宗商品,然后迅速转手,并利用这90天的收益投资其他项目,之后再偿还贷款。这种做法在2009年时十分常见。

    Local traders are importing commodities to resell them quickly and use the proceeds during 90 days to invest in other ventures , before repaying back the loans – a practice common back in 2009 .

  20. 再谈助学贷款和个人信用制度的建立

    Discussing on Aid - education Loan and Establishing System for Individual Credit

  21. 因为不能再从银行贷款,外界融资渠道也在2008年中断了。

    Outside financing was brutally killed in 2008 , as banks stopped lending .

  22. 汽车行业的领导谴责信贷危机,因为这使人们不能再使用购车贷款。

    The industry chiefs blamed the credit crisis for keeping people from getting car loans .

  23. 可是,我爸爸的公司突然破产,现在再申请学生贷款又已经太晚。

    But dad 's company suddenly went bankrupt and it 's too late to apply for a student loan .

  24. 购房新帮手:个人再交易住房贷款购买本公司房产,房款可按年分期支付。

    A New Coagent in House-purchasing : Housing Loans for Personal Re-transactions Payment for our real estate may Be made in annual installments .

  25. 例如,如果一个房主要他再融资抵押贷款,必须有人愿意贷款他的钱。

    For example , if a homeowner wants to refinance his mortgage , there must be someone willing to loan him the money .

  26. 银行已习惯于向信托公司分配小规模贷款业务,甚至将不良贷款转手给信托公司,后者再把不良贷款打包成投资产品,出售给散户投资者。

    Banks have taken to distributing trust-company loans in bite-sized packages and even to offloading non-performing loans to trusts , which package them into investment products for sale to retail investors .

  27. 我国目前主要是通过公开市场操作和再贴现再贷款政策来冲销由于外汇储备增加引起的基础货币投放。

    Now our central bank 's sterilizing measures conclude open market operate , rediscount and re-loan , with continuous increase of foreign exchange reserve and continuous sterilization , the measures cannot achieve sterilizing target .

  28. 其次,从社会资本的角度,运用问卷、深入访谈、比较研究等研究方法,对社会资本在再就业小额贷款实施中的影响进行研究。

    Then from the aspect of social capital , it learns the impacts that social capital works on microcredit operations by the way of questionnaires , in-depth interviews , comparative study , qualitative research .

  29. 欺骗性贷款一旦出现,只能通过更多的欺诈行为,如编造合约声明和保证条款把这一借款转售给次级市场。然后借方再推出抵押贷款证券和衍生产品,而为这些产品进行担保的正是欺骗性借款。

    Once it starts out a fraudulent loan , it can only be sold to the secondary market through more frauds , lying about the reps and warrantees , and then those people are going to produce mortgage-backed securities and exotic derivatives which are also going to be supposedly backed by those fraudulent loans .

  30. 但是After122morepayments,再交122次贷款,就将是我们自己的了。

    After 122 more payments , it 's going to be ours . And you ...