
féi liào
  • fertilizer;manure
肥料 [féi liào]
  • [fertilizer] 用来给土壤施肥以供给植物养分的物质(如厩肥、石灰或商品肥料);尤指化学制品提供的各种养分(如含有氮、有效磷和水溶性钾不同百分比的混合物)的肥料

肥料[féi liào]
  1. 拖拉机把肥料拉走了。

    The tractor hauled the fertilizer away .

  2. 银行经常贷款给农民买种子和肥料。

    The banks often advance money to farmers for seed and fertilizer .

  3. 施用大量的有机肥料以改良土壤。

    Add plenty of organic matter to improve the soil .

  4. 农场已改用有机肥料的耕作方法。

    The farm has changed over to organic methods .

  5. 此混合肥料专门用于盆栽植物。

    The compost is specially formulated for pot plants .

  6. 随着细菌的分解,肥料逐渐释放出各种营养成分。

    The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it .

  7. 种植前加入养分均衡的肥料。

    Work in a balanced fertiliser before planting .

  8. 树下有一个混合肥料堆。

    There is a compost heap under the tree .

  9. 骨粉是最佳肥料之一。

    Crushed bones make one of the best fertilizers .

  10. 养猪不独可以改善人民生活,还能多积肥料。

    Pig-breeding not only improves the people 's diet ; it makes more manure available .

  11. 粪被用做肥料。

    Dung is used as manure .

  12. 给这棵花再多施些肥料。

    Get some more fertilizer for this flower .

  13. 腐烂的树叶是好肥料。

    Decomposed leaves make good fertilizer .

  14. 在播种期如以硼盐肥料与种子混合使用,会抑制种子萌芽。

    Better germination is obtained if the seed is sown or drilled shortly after a shower .

  15. 肥料滋养土地。

    Fertilizer nourishes the earth .

  16. 但是从厕所中收集的未处理的人类排泄物经常会被送到农场并作为肥料喷洒。

    But frequently untreated human waste harvested from lavatories is delivered to farms and spread as fertilizer .

  17. 随着去年某些地区肥料价格每公吨上涨了近50%后,人类排泄物成为一个有吸引力的且必要的替代品。

    With fertilizer prices jumping nearly 50 % per metric ton over the last year in some places , human waste is an attractive , and often necessary , alternative .

  18. 其他人则注重使用节约水和肥料的园艺方法。

    Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers .

  19. 当我们抱怨那股难闻的气味时,爸爸说肥料越浓,庄稼越健康,他说得对。

    When we complained about the terrible smell , Dad said the stronger the manure , the healthier the crops , and he was right .

  20. 靠肥料分解和烟道为植物提供热量。

    Heat was obtained from decomposing manures and hot air flues .

  21. 滥用有机肥料可能会导致土地的土质下降

    Misusing organic fertilizer may cause a decrease in the soil 's quality .

  22. 给花园再多施些肥料。

    Get some more fertilizer for the garden .

  23. 高涨的肥料价格更加加剧了问题的恶化

    High fertilizer prices are exacerbating the problem .

  24. 肥料的长远影响

    the long-term effects of fertilizers

  25. 通过捕杀海鸟,老鼠剥夺了珊瑚礁依靠营养丰富的海鸟粪便作为肥料使其生长的自由。

    By killing4 seabirds , the rats deprive a reef of nutrient-rich seabird droppings that naturally fertilise it .

  26. 例如,他向自己的孩子们演示了如何将鸡粪用作肥料,而植物生长出来的果实可以喂鸡。

    For example , he demonstrated to his children how chicken manure can be used as fertilizer , while fruits grown from the plant can then be fed to the chicken .

  27. 农田生态系统N、P营养平衡及其肥料效应

    N and P balances in farmland ecosystem and their response to fertilizers

  28. 至成熟期,68.8%-81.8%肥料N转移到籽粒中,早熟和早中熟品种高于中晚品种。

    68.8 % - 81.8 % of fertilizer N absorbed transferred to seeds .

  29. 随作物生长,肥料N在各个土壤N库中的数量均显著下降。

    The fertilizer nitrogen in various soil nitrogen pool significantly decreased with crop growth .

  30. 动物源有机肥料对土壤N、P、K动态变化的影响

    Influence of Animal Manure on Dynamic Changes of N , P , K in Soil