
ròu ɡǔ tou
  • bone with meat attached ;scrag
  1. 给狗一块肉骨头让它去啃。

    Give the dog a bone and let him have a chew on that .

  2. 我们的狗在树下挖了个洞,把肉骨头放进去保存起来。

    Our dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in it for safekeeping .

  3. 那些年龄较大,够得着桌面的孩子,都个个心满意足地啃着肉骨头或咬着大香肠到处游荡。

    Those who were still older , and could reach the tables , marched about munching contentedly at meat bones and bologna sausages .

  4. 狗为着追求水里肉骨头的影子,丧失了到嘴的肉骨头!

    Remember the old saying that a dog loses the juicy bone in its mouth when it goes after the reflection of the bone in the water ?

  5. 不愉快的气味可以预防通过控制食物垃圾量添加到bin和避免肉或骨头。

    Unpleasant smells can be prevented by controlling the amount of food waste added to the bin and avoiding meat or bones .

  6. 你能帮我把这块肉的骨头剔掉吗?

    Will you bone this joint of meat for me ?

  7. 你有一个身体,但你不只是肉和骨头。

    You have a body , but you are not merely flesh and bones .

  8. 因我唉哼的声音,我的肉紧贴骨头。

    Because of the voice of my sorrow , my flesh is wasted to the bone .

  9. 传统上,汤里的肉和骨头应该煮到发白,然后把汤扔掉。

    Traditionally , meat and bones are blanched for the soup , then that water is discarded .

  10. 我炖猪肉,在木案板上用叉子把肉从骨头上弄下来。

    Just braised pork , being pulled off the bone with a fork on a wooden cutting board .

  11. 控制每天加入的食品废物的数量,不要加入肉或骨头,这样就可以防止不愉快的气味。

    You need about a kilogram of worms for each half a kilogram of daily food waste that you add .

  12. 当你煮这道汤时,先把肉从骨头上切下来,然后把肉放进汤里。

    When you make this soup , first cut the meat off the bone , then put the meat in the soup .

  13. 饥饿之下,一野生大熊猫闯入农民的猪圈,吞下了肉和骨头,而不是竹子。

    Hunger drove a wild panda to break into a Chinese farmer 's pig pen and eat their meat and bone , rather than bamboo .

  14. 既然我们不能让音响设备的肉和骨头了,我们必须寻找一种材料在手,是关系到我们耳朵的特征。

    Since we cannot make hifi-equipment out of flesh and bones , we have to look for a material that is at hand , and is related to our ears characteristic .

  15. 它是放置于你们面前的一堆肉和骨头以及肌肉,是你们每个人到处拖着的东西。

    It 's this lump of flesh and bone and muscle that 's sitting here in front of you and that each one of you sort of drags around with you .

  16. 它们具有食肉目动物特有的裂齿,这种锋利的颊部牙齿密切配合起来,可以像剪刀一样把肉从骨头上扯下来;

    They did have the carnassial teeth that distinguish the Carnivora , a pair of sharpened cheek teeth that are aligned so as to work like shears in slicing meat off bone ;

  17. 你们摸摸我,应该知道:鬼神是没有肉躯和骨头的,如同你们看我,却是有的。

    Touch me and see for yourselves that a ghost has no flesh and bones as I have .

  18. 他们是凶猛的斗士,有很多锋利的牙齿嚼肉、咬碎骨头。

    They are fierce fighters and have plenty of sharp teeth for chewing flesh and grinding up bones .

  19. 它以胆怯闻名,喜欢吃其他动物捕杀的肉,将骨头啃干净。

    It is known for its cowardliness and prefers to eat meat already killed by other animals , picking the bones clean .

  20. 猪肋排既有肉也有骨头,尤其是经过与中药材和调味品长时间的慢火煲炖后,可为人体提供营养和钙质。

    Pork rib contains both meat and bones , thus offering both nutrition and calcium for human body , especially after it is simmered for a long time with Chinese herbs and spices .

  21. 买地就得买石头,买肉就得买骨头。(有用之物中总会包含无用之物。)

    You buy land , you buy stones ; you buy meat , you buy bones .

  22. 但是鹤却突然杀了它,吃了它的肉,并将骨头扔到地上。

    But instead , the crane suddenly killed him , gobbled up his flesh , and let the bones fall to the ground .