
  1. 研究认为,顾客忠诚计划是利用顾客的感知价值,通过对顾客满意、顾客信任、转换成本三个中间变量的驱动,作用于顾客忠诚的。

    And to analysis the loyalty program acts on customer loyalty with the perceived value of customers , through three factors of customer satisfaction , customer confidence and switching cost .

  2. 高校形象对顾客行为倾向具有直接影响,并通过顾客信任和顾客满意作用于顾客行为倾向。

    Not only The image of colleges and universities tend to have a direct impact on and behavior , but also through the customer perceived value , customer trust to influence customer satisfaction and affect customer behavior .

  3. 员工满意度是员工满意程度的反映,其高低既直接影响员工的行为,又间接作用于顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度。

    Employee Satisfaction Degree is a reflection of the degree on employee satisfaction . It not only has a direct effect on the behavior of employees , but also has an indirect effect on customer satisfaction degree and customer loyalty .