
  • 网络Operation flow chart;operation process chart;DOC;follow chart
  1. 流程建模工具对用户绘制的作业流程图进行分析,生成一个可以被流程引擎解析的基于XML的形式化描述文档。

    After analysing the activity flow drawing of the users , the modeling tool generates a XML formal description file which is parsed by flow engine .

  2. 如何表述和生成复杂逻辑作业流程图的形式化描述是建模工具的关键。

    It is the key for the modeling tool to represent and generate complex logical formal description .

  3. 画出烟丝立体库的平面布局图、烟丝立体库的作业流程图,并写出了详细的作业过程。

    Draw three-dimensional database tobacco layout plan , the operation flow chart of tobacco-dimensional database , and write a detailed operation process .

  4. 绘制作业流程图实施产线平衡以消除产能浪费;改进工艺布局以缩短物流距离。

    Process flow chart was used to balance production line and remove wastes . Process layout was further improved to reduce transportation distances .

  5. 依据伐区木材生产工艺,绘制了木材生产作业物质流程图;

    Based on timber production technology in logging area , we drew the material flow chart of timber production .

  6. 为了支持战略决策模拟作业流程的可定制性,满足决策研究人员和训练人员不同的作业流程需求,开发了一个可视化的作业流程建模工具,用来构建图形化逻辑作业流程图。

    For the purpose of supporting multi activity flow to meet different requirements of different strategic decision-making researchers and trainers , we design custom activity flow pattern and develop a visual activity flow modeling tool .