
  • 网络Work efficiency;operational efficiency;operating efficiency;Productivity;working performance
  1. 集装箱码头堆场作业效率提升方法探究

    Research of CY to Enhance Operational Efficiency Measures

  2. 该方法简单方便灵活,能提高作业效率和工作质量。

    The method is simple and convenient , and can raise operational efficiency and work quality .

  3. 结论口服银杏叶片15d能显著提高和改善高原移居者脑-体作业效率和能力。

    Conclusion Ginkgo can improve the brain-body function at high altitude .

  4. 本文着重研究了针对不同地形地貌的DEM区域编辑算法,显著提高了DEM编辑的作业效率和精度。

    We emphasize research with the region DEM Gross Error manual correct method at different land features , which improve the efficiency and precision of DEM Edit .

  5. 中小型企业不适合投入大规模的PDM系统,为了提高其产品作业效率,就需要设计开发适合其具体情况的产品作业计划管理系统。

    Massive PDM system doesn t fit medium and mini enterprises , and the corporations have to develop appropriate product work program management system to improve their work efficiency .

  6. 根据起重机械特点,在港口机械中的交流变频控制系统中,整流逆变器(也称可逆PWM整流器,简称变流器)组合应用,提高作业效率,降低电能损耗,节省成本。

    Basing on the mechanical characteristics , in the vari-frequency control system on port crane , apply converter for improving the operation efficiency and for reducing the energy consume to lower the base cost .

  7. 影响山地地震测量精度和作业效率的因素很多,主要是GPS(RTK)测量的高程精度、森林覆盖区、恶劣地形条件下的作业效率等问题。

    There are many factors affecting mountain seismic survey accuracy and efficiency there , i.e.the height accuracy of GPS ( RTK ) survey and the operating efficiency under the conditions of forest-covered area and rough topography .

  8. 在全球卫星定位系统日臻完善,RTK大量上市但不普及的今天,研究GPS静态快速测量技术,对提高测量作业效率具有重要的实际意义。

    At the present time , GPS has been achieving perfection , RTK has come into the market greatly but not in popularization . Researching the technology of GPS Speed Static Positioning is important for increasing productivity .

  9. 为满足企业决策层对降低企业产品成本、提高作业效率及资金的运营情况一系列动作问题的控制与管理,产生了企业资源计划(EnterpriseResourcePlanning,ERP),进而产生了ERP系统。

    To meet the enterprise decision-making to the enterprise product cost , improve work efficiency and a series of action control and management of the capital operation situation , the enterprise resource planning concept was proposed ( enterprise resource planning , ERP ), which brings the ERP system .

  10. 介绍了将GPS静态测量技术应用于地铁首级控制测量中,能够达到高精度、高效益、大大提高作业效率及降低劳动强度等目的,对整条地铁线路的正确贯通提供了强有力的保障。

    The paper introduces the application of GPS technology in the first class control network in Nanjing Metro . From the engineering case , it can be concluded that the GPS technology can not only improve the surveying precision and efficiency , but also can reduce the working intensity greatly .

  11. 随着人们对定位精度和作业效率要求的不断提高,如何摆脱传统RTK作业复杂性和在更大的范围内实现高精度动态定位的问题更加突出。

    How to break off the complexity of operation with RTK and how to achieve exact positioning of dynamic , stand out in that people have more requirements for the more exact positioning and higher operating efficiency .

  12. 其结果表明,RTK测量不仅能满足1∶2000比例尺土地利用现状调查精度要求,而且可以大幅度提高作业效率,尤其在通视困难地区更具明显优势。

    The actual result indicates that RTK survey is not only able to satisfy precision requirement for 1 ∶ 2000 scale status quo survey of land use and is able to heighten working efficiency , especially in sighting-through difficult area .

  13. MGIS作为GIS在矿山生产管理方面的一个应用分支,是构建DM的重要组成部分,也是DM信息与决策的载体,旨在通过提高矿山生产的信息化程度来提高作业效率,降低生产成本。

    As an application branch of GIS in mining industry , aiming at improving operating efficiency and reducing production costs in the term of information production , Mining GIS ( MGIS ) not only serves as an important component of MD , but also the carrier of information and decision-making .

  14. 结果表明,作业效率随时间延长而变动,50min后作业效率明显下降,并存在反弹和终末激发现象。

    The results showed that the performance fluctuated with time . It decreased markedly after 50 min of work , followed by a rebound , and a terminal motivation phenomenon at the end of the work .

  15. 调车作业效率动态考核系统的设计

    Design of the Dynamic Exam System of the Shunting Service Efficiency

  16. 众多环境和人为的因素影响了林木联合采育机的作业效率。

    Many environmental and human factors greatly affected the operating efficiency .

  17. 现代物流被越来越普遍的认为是企业在降低物流成本、提高作业效率之后的第三利润来源。

    Modern logistics is considered as third profit source for corporation universally .

  18. 兴安落叶松人工林抚育机械作业效率的研究

    Operation efficiency of tending machineries to plantation of Larix dahurica

  19. 仓储区货位规划的合理与否直接关系到物流作业效率。

    Logistics efficiency is influenced by goods location layout in storage areas .

  20. 海底水力冲射开沟机械及影响作业效率的因素

    Seabed Hydraulic Jet Trenching Mechanisms and Factors Influencing on the Operating Efficiency

  21. 物流中心零散拣货作业效率分析

    The Analysis on Detail Picking Efficiency in Distribution Center

  22. 提高1525生产线作业效率的改进方案

    The Improving Plan for Enhancing the Production Efficiency of the 1525 Productive Line

  23. 本实用新型能避免翻车事故、提高作业效率。

    The utility model can avoid roll over accident and increase operation efficiency .

  24. 在打捞工艺中应用这一数学模型将进一步提高作业效率,降低作业成本。

    Furthermore , it can improve operation efficiency and cut down the operation cost .

  25. 提高集装箱码头作业效率的措施

    Measure to Raise Operating Efficiency at Container Wharf

  26. 公路用防撞护栏清洗车作业效率及配置数量分析

    The Analysis of the Work Efficient and Layout Quantity for Highway Barrier Cleaning Vehicles

  27. 天津港装卸船生产线作业效率研究

    The Research Report on the Efficiency of TianJin Port Loading and Unloading Assembly Line

  28. 高原富氧室改善移居者脑-体作业效率过程中视网膜的动态变化

    Dynamic changes of retina during improving the brain-body efficiency of immigrants in oxygen-enriched room

  29. 渔船作业效率及政策研究

    Research on efficiency and policies in fishery

  30. 存放容量、造价和作业效率是评价停车设备的重要指标。

    Parking capacity , cost and running efficiency are important indexes for evaluating parking system .