
  1. 关于固定资产、无形资产减值准备核算的几点建议

    Some suggestions on the Write-down Reserve Account of Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets

  2. 信息不对称条件下无形资产减值测度研究(Ⅱ)&无形资产减值测度的目标、原则、标准及路径分析

    The Objective , Principles , Criteria and Approaches of Intangible Assets Measuring Impairment

  3. 无形资产减值的会计处理

    The Accounting Managing of Immaterial Assets Devaluation

  4. 然而,无形资产减值准备与累计超额收益率并没有显著的线性关系,与预期不符。

    However , provision for impairment of intangible assets has no significant relationship with cumulative abnormal return .

  5. 无形资产减值测度是无形资产后续计量的重要理论和实务问题,它直接关系到企业无形资产减值准备的计提和利润质量。

    The measuring of intangible assets devalue is an important part of intangible assets subsequent measurement in theory and practice , bearing on the drawing of intangible assets devalue preparation and the quality of income .