
  1. 通过实例研究可以发现,公司在有形资产和无形资产交易中,不可避免的面临着双重征税和潜在的税务风险。

    From the case , we can found that tangible assets and intangible assets transactions , inevitably facing the potential risk of double taxation .

  2. 随着篮球职业化改革的进展,大量的无形资产交易,对无形资产评估业务产生了极大的需求。

    Along with the basketball market reformed , there is a lot of requirement to valuing intangible assets , because of a large number of businesses of intangible assets exchanging .

  3. 第四章对现代企业无形资产的实施、交易、担保贷款以及投资等有关法律问题进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the legal problems on the implement , the trade , the guarantied loan and the investment of intangible assets of modern enterprise .

  4. 最后,这些差异在较大程度上可以被不同行业在无形资产密集度、交易对信息的依赖程度、盈利能力、平均公司规模及股本结构方面的差异所解释。

    Finally , much of these differences can be explained by the differences in the intangible intensity , the dependence of trade on information , the level and persistence of earnings , the average firm size and the average percentage of circulation shares across industries .