
  • 网络Logarithmic;Log-Log Model;LOGIT
  1. 方法根据某医院1995年1月&2001年11月的门诊人次历史资料,建立对数模型、指数平滑模型和ARIMA乘积模型,并对三者的预测结果进行比较分析。

    Methods We established logarithmic model , exponential smoothing model and model of seasonal multiple ARIMA and compared the prediction effects of them .

  2. 分别使用指数模型和对数模型对BPN及MTD与荷载作用次数之间的关系进行了拟合,分析了沥青混合料抗滑指标的衰减规律。

    Then the study employs exponential model and logarithmic model to simulate relation between BPN & MTD and load repetition numbers .

  3. 根据研究的需要,选择了Logistic对数模型作为研究的基本模型。

    According to the research need , the Logistic logarithm mode is selected as the basic model of research .

  4. 对数模型和ARIMA模型构成了Lee-Carter方法的主要特征。

    The log-additive model and the ARIMA model are two main features of Lee-Carter model .

  5. 模拟研究的结果表明,利用较低电势扫描速率条件下的伏安响应数据而定量获取表面覆盖度e和吸附量户时,最为适宜的数学模型是伏安响应峰电流的对数模型;

    The results of the simulation prove that the logarithmic model are the most fitting form when we gain the 6 ( the covered value of the surface ) and the b ( absorbance ) with data of lower scan speed .

  6. 在宏观层面上,对南通市居民生活用水外部环境进行具体分析之后,分别利用双对数模型和Stone-Geary效用函数模型对南通市用水进行回归分析,建立起城市居民生活用水需求函数模型。

    At the macro level , both double-log model and Stone-Geary model of residential water demand of Nantong are established .

  7. 对数模型在减小电桥桥源误差中的应用

    Application of the Logarithm Model in Reducing the Error of Bridge

  8. 多时滞型种群对数模型的周期正解

    Positive periodic solution for neutral population model with multiple delays

  9. 莫尔包络线对数模型方程的建立与应用

    Establishment and application of logarithmic model equation of Mohr envelop

  10. 比例极限对数模型和球壳稳定系数

    Proportional limit logarithmic model and stability coefficient of spherical shell

  11. 人造板弯曲蠕变的变参对数模型

    Variation Coefficients Logarithm Model for Creep of Wood-based Panel

  12. 基于双对数模型的就业弹性问题研究

    Study on Employment Elasticity Based on Double Logarithmic Model

  13. 分对数模型在城市快速路交通状态预测中的应用

    Logit Model Application in Expressway Traffic Condition Prediction

  14. 双对数模型对模型模拟误差的放缩问题探讨

    The Discussing of the Problem of Enlarging or Reducing Simulation Error by Double Logarithmic Model

  15. 基于对数模型的词义自动消歧

    Logarithm Model Based Word Sense Disambiguation

  16. 用二元一次模型、二元二次模型和对数模型对各土壤属性与地形的关系拟合表明,它们之间存在很好的关联。

    And logarithm model can express the relation between soil depth , clay content and terrain very well .

  17. 本文提出一种新的客运方式选择方法,以多项式分对数模型为基础,进行分析和选择适当的指标来确定模型,使模型更能真实地反映方式分担率的变化规律。

    This paper presents a new method and makes rational use of the multinomial logit model by choice fit norms .

  18. 在水土保持研究中,常采用对数模型来描述各因素间的关系,这种模型往往具有较好的统计特性。

    To study the soil and water conservation , we usually use the logarithmic model to describe the relations between factors .

  19. 结果得到了重庆市人口数的二次曲线模型和新发病例的对数模型。

    [ Results ] The Quadratic models of population and the Logarithmic models of new cases for Malaria dynamics were set up in ChongQing .

  20. 从对数模型分析,当密度增加到一定限度时,聚集块指标趋于一个常数。

    Analysis on the logarithms model showed that , when the density increased to the certain limit , the crowding index inclined to a constant .

  21. 双重对数模型研究表明,低现金收入对牧民就医次数有明显负面的影响。

    The dual logarithm model analysis indicated that low cash income of herdsmen had a significant negative influence on the number of visiting doctors by herdsmen .

  22. 影响土石坝沉降的主要因素是时效变形,目前常用的统计模型中时效分量主要采用指数模型和对数模型,但在某些工程实际中两子模型的拟合值与实测值偏差较大。

    Time-dependent deformation is the main factor influencing earth-rockfill dam settlement . For the time-dependent component , usually , the exponential form or logarithmic form is adopted in the statistical model .

  23. 通过供给对数模型系数可以得出,对于供给的调整应该更多的通过数量的引导,而不是仅仅依靠价格策略。

    Through the coefficients of supply model , we can draw that we should mainly adjust volume to guide the supply , rather than relying solely on pricing strategies . 4 .

  24. 方法:利用10种曲线模型(指数模型、对数模型、幂函数模型等)拟合疟疾发病率曲线。

    Methods : Adopting 10 kinds of curve fitting models , such as power model , index model , logarithm model and ect , to fit the curve of incidence of malaria .

  25. 以福建省安溪县茶农问卷调查数据为基础,利用双对数模型对茶农投资行为的影响因素进行计量分析。

    On basis of the survey data of farmers in Anxi County , Fujian Province , this paper establishes the double logarithmic model and analyzes the affecting factors of the tea farmers'investment behavior .

  26. 在石灰性土壤上,莴笋产量与垃圾用量间的关系符合对数模型,其边际产量随垃圾用量增加而减少,与一般肥料效应相似;

    In calcarious soil , the correlations between the refuse application rates and lettuce yield were expressed by logarithmic models perfectly and the marginal yield decreased as the refuse application increased , similar to the effect of fertilizer .

  27. 同时建立了双曲线模型、半对数模型、指数模型及泊松曲线模型四种本构模型,并结合有效应力过程分析给出了实用的沉降过程线的反演迭代公式。

    And four constitutive models are established , which are hyperbolic model , half-logarithm model , exponential model and Poisson model . Combined with the analysis of the change of effective stress , the iteration formulations of settlement calculation are provided .

  28. 在此基础上运用自回归移动平均模型对我国柑橘出口比较优势的可持续性进行了短期预测,运用半对数模型从生产成本角度主要是从劳动日平均工价角度对其进行长期预测。

    On this basis , it makes a short-term forecasting of the persistency of the export comparative advantage with ARMA model , and makes a long-run forecasting with the semi-log model in the direction of production cost especially in the direction of average labor-day cost .

  29. 由于邓肯-张模型及其各种修正模型均不适用于强硬化型应力-应变关系,又提出了考虑黄土结构损伤的对数模型,很好地描述了强硬化型的应力-应变关系。

    But because the Duncan - Chang model and all of its modified models are all not suitable for the most harden type stress-strain relation , the logarithmic model considering the loess structural damage is brought forth , which , describes this stress-strain relation very well .

  30. 在综述中,可以发现国外多位学者分别从边际税率、时间序列模型、双对数模型等实证研究的角度对个人捐赠的效应进行了分析,并将个人捐赠效应区分为价格弹性和收入弹性。

    In summary , empirical studies such as marginal tax rates , time series models , double number of models can be seen obviously by abroad experts ' individual donation study , and individual donations would be divided into effects of price elasticity and income elasticity .