
  • 网络Credit Default Swap;CDS
  1. 这些天来,那些主权信用违约互换(cds)合约是否真能提供针对违约的有效“保险”,变得越来越不明确。

    These days , it is becoming less clear whether those sovereign CDS contracts really offer effective " insurance " against default .

  2. 当去年美国房地产市场日益变糟时,美国国际集团仍深信信用违约互换(CDS)资产组合将能挺过风暴。

    As the US property market turned increasingly sour last year , AIG remained confident its CDS portfolio would weather the storm .

  3. 荷兰信用违约互换(CDS)合约的表现已经与德国CDS分道扬镳。

    Dutch credit default swaps have parted company with German ones .

  4. 可能的漏洞之一是信用违约互换(cds)市场。

    One candidate for a leak is the credit default swaps market .

  5. 信用违约互换(cds)是一个新杠杆领域。

    Credit default swaps are a new frontier of leverage .

  6. 10,整合场外交易和信用违约互换(CDS)的结算。

    Tenth , consolidate settlement of over-the-counter trading and credit default swaps .

  7. 信用违约互换(cds)尤其不可靠。

    Credit default swaps are particularly suspect .

  8. 基于信用违约互换(CDS)的次贷指数当时已跌至谷底。

    Indices of subprime loans based on credit default swaps had already hit the floor .

  9. 信用违约互换(cds)息差扩大至极高的水平,反映出市场中的极度恐慌和狂热投机。

    Spreads on credit default swaps rose to levels signalling both extreme fear and feverish speculation .

  10. 然而,任何限制信用违约互换(cds)交易的措施,都可能带来更大的冲击。

    Any measures to curtail credit default swap trading could have a bigger impact , however .

  11. 信用违约互换(cds)是一种火箭燃料,它把次贷之火变成了一场滔天大火。

    Credit default swaps are the rocket fuel that turned the subprime mortgage fire into a conflagration .

  12. 信用违约互换(cds)市场上的交易是在交易对手之间、以双边形式进行。

    Trading in the credit default swaps market is conducted on a bilateral basis between two counterparties .

  13. 信用违约互换(CDS)对债务违约提供一种保险形式,是信用衍生品最普遍的一种类型。

    CDS , a form of insurance against bond defaults , is the most common type of credit derivative .

  14. 除了这些监管举措以外,还有出于政治目的而出台的措施,它们影响到欧盟主权信用违约互换(CDS)合约的交易。

    Onto these regulations were tacked more politically driven measures affecting the trading of EU sovereign credit default swaps .

  15. 人们一度以为信用违约互换(cds)市场这下子要完了,可如今该市场的交易量仍为鼎盛时期的一半左右。

    The credit default swap market , once thought to be doomed , is operating at about half peak volumes .

  16. 债务抵押债券(collateraliseddebtobligations)只在书末的索引中被提到了两次,信用违约互换(cds)只占了两段半。

    Collateralised debt obligations rate just two mentions in the index and credit default swaps get a paragraph and a half .

  17. 然而,这个问题可借助基于颇受诟病的信用违约互换(cds)的自动触发机制加以解决。

    This problem can be overcome , however , with an automatic trigger based on the much maligned credit default swaps .

  18. 美国的银行已利用信用违约互换(CDS)等对冲工具,缩减了对陷入困境的欧元区国家的净敞口。

    Using hedges , such as credit default swaps , US banks have reduced their net exposure to troubled eurozone countries .

  19. 这引发了信用违约互换(CDS)的违约危机。这种工具为固定收益资产提供一种保险形式。

    This triggers a default on credit default swaps – instruments that provide a form of insurance on fixed income assets .

  20. 或许也有必要建立净负债包括信用违约互换(cds)的“清算行”。

    Establishing a " clearing house " to net liabilities , including in credit default swaps , may also be necessary .

  21. 该公司在信用违约互换(CDS)和其它衍生品方面4410亿美元的敞口若出现违约,将会引发一场全球金融灾难。

    Default on its $ 441bn exposure to credit default swaps and other derivatives would have been a global financial catastrophe .

  22. 信用违约互换(cds)激增,但做空东亚银行股票的头寸实际上少于“正常”水平。

    Credit default swaps shot up , but the level of shorting on bea stock was actually below " normal " levels .

  23. 欧元区领导人对于主权信用违约互换(cds)市场生存能力的质疑,无异于使债务危机雪上加霜。

    By putting in doubt the viability of the sovereign credit default swap market , leaders are making the debt crisis worse .

  24. 20会议不会解决规范信用违约互换(cds),或为银行引入逆周期的新资本比率等复杂问题。

    The G20 meeting will not resolve the intricacies of regulating credit default swaps or introducing new counter-cyclical capital ratios for banks .

  25. 两人都是像信用违约互换(CDS)那样的衍生品(我可对CDS的发明者没有什么不敬之意)。

    Both are as derivative as any credit default swap ( by which I mean no disrespect to the inventors of CDS ) .

  26. 据信用违约互换(cds)指数来看,投资级企业债券的信誉度骤降至去年11月以来的最低水平。

    Investment-grade corporate bonds have seen their creditworthiness fall sharply to their worst level since November , according to credit default swap indices .

  27. 正是因为信用违约互换(CDS)等基本上不受监管的场外市场缺乏透明度,才引发了2008年的全球经融危机。

    It was the opaqueness of largely unregulated OTC markets , such as credit default swaps , that fuelled the 2008 global financial crisis .

  28. 现在,在金融危机造成的大幅下挫后,华尔街正在推动单一名称信用违约互换(CDS)的重启。

    Now , after a sharp decline following the financial crisis , Wall Street is pushing a second act for single-name credit default swaps .

  29. 信用违约互换(cds)市场令这种局势严重恶化该市场偏爱那些押注于失败的投机者。

    The situation is aggravated by the market in credit default swaps , which is biased in favour of those who speculate on failure .

  30. 信用违约互换(cds)等特定衍生品容易造成隐性的失衡,因此也必须加以监管、限制或禁止。

    Certain derivatives , like credit default swaps , are prone to creating hidden imbalances so they must be regulated , restricted or forbidden .