
Distressed debt funds ( 26 % )
Cue up a touch more quantitative easement , in the shape of that big bad bond buy .
There are fresh opportunities , too , such as distressed debt & a field in which Goldman excelled after the last bust .
Though not included in his original plan , President Bush has agreed to limits on executive compensation and a bipartisan board to oversee the purchase of failing securities .
Indeed , Chovanec said China 's economy has plenty of potential growth , but without some kind of correction or adjustment , the cycle just keeps feeding itself and investors keep buying the bad debt in expectations that the government will keep covering it .
So President Bush wants Congress to spend as much as $ 700 billion to buy up these bad loans and securities , giving more banks more money to lend .
The intense demand for once-distressed bonds is stirring the debate about whether investors are acting wisely or piling into junk bonds because of a lack of opportunities elsewhere in the fixed-income markets .