
  • Short-term lending market;【财】short end of the market
  1. 长期债券的发行量已经很少,美国短期借贷市场基金,短期银行汇票的购买者到目前为止也越来越感到恐惧。

    Long-term bond issues have become scarce and American money-market funds , hitherto buyers of short-term bank bills , are running scared .

  2. 在最初无视短期借贷市场的混乱之后,股市在过去3周内大幅下挫,屡创自1987年股市崩盘以来的最大单日跌幅。

    After initially ignoring the chaos in short-term lending , equity markets have fallen sharply in the past three weeks and recorded their worst one-day falls since the crash of 1987 .

  3. 同时,对于中国短期借贷市场中7天拆借和7天回购的成交量占各自市场的大部分的有趣现象进行了解释,认为其主要原因在于证券公司的资金需求和城市商业银行的特殊的资产结构。

    At the same time , the paper indicate that the demand of money of security company and the special asset components of the business city bank can explain the interesting phenomenon : the 7 days interbank transaction and 7 days repurchase have the most volume . 3 .

  4. 其实质是短期资本借贷市场的国际化,货币转化为资本的过程突破国家法律限制的国际化。

    In fact , it is the internationalized short-term market of capital debit and credit , in which currency turn into capital without the restriction of national laws and fulfilled internationalization .