
  • 网络requirements traceability;requirement track;requirements tracing
  1. SoapUIPro是一款企业版软件,它为超级用户提供了更多特性,比如需求跟踪等。

    SoapUI Pro is the enterprise version and contains additional features for power users including requirements traceability .

  2. 需求跟踪与平滑过渡

    Requirements traceability and smooth transition

  3. IBM软件开发平台提供完全的需求跟踪&从收集需求到可视化的关联模型,映射每个需求到测试用例。

    The IBM Software Development Platform offers complete requirements tracking & from requirements gathering to visual model association and mapping of each requirement to a test case .

  4. 动态需求跟踪方法及跟踪精度问题研究

    Research on Dynamic Requirement Traceability Method and Traces Precision

  5. 在这个解决方案整个交付过程中没有沟通需求跟踪的已经制定好的标准。

    Conclude there is no established standard for communicating requirements traced through the solution deliverables .

  6. 可变粒度需求跟踪的研究与实现

    Research on Changeable-Grained Requirements Tracking

  7. 用例还提供了简化需求跟踪的机会,从而确保更完整的测试覆盖率。

    Use cases also offer the opportunity to simplify requirements traceability and to insure more complete test coverage .

  8. 用例对证明被测试和交付方案需求跟踪性能力有很大的贡献。

    Use cases contribute significantly to the ability to prove traceability of requirements to the solution being tested and delivered .

  9. 对于支持外包团队的统一流程来说很关键的工具,包括需求跟踪和可视化模型工具。

    Tools that are critical to support a uniform process for outsourced teams include requirement tracking and visual modeling tools .

  10. 与需求跟踪类似,我极力建议风险分析应简单明了,让每个人可以看到并能够对其进行更新,同时应该根据严重程度设定优先级。

    Similar to requirements tracking , I strongly recommend that risks be brief , easily available to ( and updateable by ) everyone , and prioritized by severity .

  11. 可从需求跟踪到进入或退出操作,跟踪到状态的内部过渡,从而为这些代码节的需求提供根据,参见图7。

    Requirements can be traced to entry or exit actions and to internal transitions of states to provide justification for the need for these code sections , see Figure 7 .

  12. 文中介绍了面向过程的非功能需求跟踪方法的原理,在一个雷达系统的设计过程中进行了该方法的应用分析,并实现了相应的支持工具的原型。

    The principle of process oriented approach for non functional requirements traceability is presented . The application of this approach in the design process of a radar system is analysed , and the corresponding prototype of the support tool is realized .

  13. SiteB的团队成员还将需要在需求间跟踪关系的能力,这样,他们可以测量改变的影响。

    Team members at Site B will also need the capability to trace the relationships among requirements so they can gauge the impact of changes .

  14. 到了1936年,美国《社会保障法》(theSocialSecurityAct)的通过催生了极其庞大的信息处理需求&跟踪迄今所有的政府和企业薪金数据。

    Then , in 1936 , the Social Security Act passed , creating the single biggest information problem tracking all those paychecks for government and business to date .

  15. RationalRhapsody提供的集成开发环境通过各种工具来捕获需求并跟踪它们,一直追溯到模型中的设计信息。

    Rational Rhapsody provides an integrated development environment with tools to capture requirements and trace them to the design information in the model .

  16. 我们使用电子数据表来保持对需求的跟踪。

    We use a spreadsheet to keep track of the requirements .

  17. 利用语义模型的需求可跟踪性的实现

    Implementation of Requirements Traceability Using Semantic Model

  18. 容易对需求进行跟踪。

    Ease of traceability to requirements .

  19. 接下来用户就可以根据模型创建对需求的跟踪链接,这种链接能自动提供跟踪、影响分析以及覆盖文档等功能。

    Users then create traceability links from the model to the requirements , automatically providing traceability , impact analysis and coverage documentation .

  20. 其中,天车实现伺服控制系统大范围的需求;跟踪平台实现高精度的需求。

    In the servo system , the crane servo system is used to achieve the demand of wide range , suspension platform for high accuracy requirements .

  21. 在软件工程方法学引入GIS工程项目开发的过程中,遇到了一些问题,包括项目目标蔓延、需求变更与跟踪、模块设计、代码风格和文档管理等。

    Many problems appear in the course of introducing software engineering to GIS . These problems , including target spread , requirement change , module design , code style and documents manage , directly affect the development of GIS engineering .

  22. 由以上的需求,波长跟踪技术应运而生,我们可以利用波长跟踪技术实现在光层对光信号的跟踪,从而明确智能控制平面(网管)在ROADM节点下达的上下波指令是否被正确的执行。

    We can use the technology to track the optical signal in the optical layer , so we also can clear that the detective of the intelligent control plane ( NMS ) is performed correctly or not at the ROADM nodes .

  23. 根据敏捷的范式,代码/设计到需求的可跟踪性,是通过单元测试和验收测试来完成的。

    Within the agile paradigm traceability from code / design to requirements is done through unit and acceptance tests .

  24. 为满足对运动目标进行多自由度跟踪的需求,并联跟踪台技术逐渐发展起来。

    Parallel tracking platform technology is developed gradually to meet the need of multi-freedom tracking of the moving target .

  25. 该需求和可跟踪性信息可协助各种团队确定外部代码的资格,从而在其最终的应用程序中包含这些代码。

    The requirements and traceability information can be used to assist teams that need to qualify external code so that it can be included in their final applications .

  26. 正是由于新特性信号的出现,传统的跟踪方法已不能满足需求,对跟踪技术也提出了新的挑战。

    Precisely because of the emergence of the new characteristic signal , the traditional tracking method has not been able to meet the need , and it also presents the new challenge for tracking technology .

  27. 需求的可跟踪性&一种可以把需求规格说明和其他在软件系统生命周期产生的产品联系起来的性能,很早就已经广泛地被认为是高效软件工程管理和软件系统质量的关键因素[1]。

    Requirements traceability that is the ability to relate requirements specifications with other artifacts created in the development life-cycle of a software system has widely and long been recognized as a significant factor for efficient software project management and software systems quality .

  28. 将定量分析与定性分析相结合,对手机电视运营主体、受众市场和人才需求进行动态跟踪调研,探索该产业的发展规律,提出了手机电视的阶段化运营模式和具体营销策略。

    This paper integrates qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis , probes the development law of Mobile TV industry through dynamic tracking survey in operation main body , audience market and talent demands , puts forward staged business mode and concrete marketing tactics . 3 .

  29. RPX也能够用来维护需求之间的可跟踪性。

    The RPX can also be used to help maintain traceability between requirements .

  30. 因特网用户信息需求的发掘与跟踪

    The Mining and Tracing of Internet Users ' Information Needs