
  • 网络District Hospitals
  1. 很多患者迈着沉重的脚步,奔走于诊所和区级医院,寻求结核病药物和抗逆转录疗法药物。

    Many shuffle between health clinics for TB medications and district hospitals for antiretroviral drugs .

  2. 从夹缝生存中成功发展的典型案例看城市区级医院的优势;

    Showing the advantage of district hospitals from typical cases of successful development from hard survival situation ;

  3. 超声颅内压力自计仪单位:一所区级医院神经内科、CT室、经颅多普勒超声室。

    Ultrasonic intracranial pressuregraph SETTING Department of Neurology ? CT Room and Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography Room in a municipal hospital .

  4. 单位:一所区级医院医学影像科。

    SETTING : Medical imaging department of a hospital at district level .

  5. 妇产科床位在30~50张之间的县(市)、区级医院剖宫产率上升速度较快。

    The rate of cesarean delivery increased faster in hospitals with 30-50 sickbeds .

  6. 萧山区县区级医院院内感染情况分析

    Surveillance on nosocomial infection in county level hospitals

  7. 住院首选市级医院比例最高(45.2%),其次为省级和区级医院。

    Of the inpatients , 45.2 % preferred municipal hospitals , followed by provincial and district ones .

  8. 因此,有必要对区级医院建设项目进行环境影响分析和评价。

    Therefore , it is necessary to analyze and assess the environmental impact of district-level compound hospital construction project .

  9. 在区级医院和乡村的基本医疗卫生单位,女性健康服务提供者的数量很低。

    In hospitals at district level and Basic health units in country side , the number of female health providers is very low .

  10. 单位:一所大学医学院护理学系,一所大学医学院附属医院儿科及一所区级医院儿科。

    SETTING : At a nursing science department of a university-affiliated hospital , pediatric department of a university affiliated hospital and sectional hospital .

  11. 调查方法:采用问卷和现场考察方法。将本地区基层医疗机构分成两组,区级医院、(镇、街道)卫生院、专科医院等其他医疗机构为第一组,调查28个单位;

    [ Methods ] All the basic medical units are separated into 2 groups : Group 1 includes 28 district hospitals , town hospitals and specialized hospitals .

  12. 结果各医院总的空气菌落总数和紫外线灯照射强度的合格率分别是55.0%和85.9%,市级和区级医院的合格率比镇级高。

    Results Totally the qualified rate of bacteria count and ultraviolet irradiation intensity were only 55.0 % and 85.9 % respectively , and the qualified rate in municipal hospital was higher than that in town hospital .

  13. 目前我国监狱内都基本设有监区级医院,但是现实情况是大多条件设备简陋、医疗卫生设备陈旧、基础设施相对落后、公共卫生服务质量滞后。

    At present our country jail basically with supervision district hospital , but the reality is the most simple equipment , medical equipment stale , infrastructure is relatively backward , the public health service quality lags .

  14. 目前,我国卫生事业改革已处于最为重要的时刻,各级医院正面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战,中小医院尤其是处于中间位置的区级医院面临更大的压力和困难。

    At present health reforms are at a critical period . All levels of hospitals are confronted with unprecedented opportunity and challenge , especially the small and medium hospitals in the centre area faced with more pressure and difficulty .

  15. 2查痰率县(市)区级医院优于其他各级综合性医院,厂矿医院及大专院校医院查痰率最低,项目县优于非项目县(P<0.005)。

    Belong to the rate of sputum swear microscopic examination , Country hospitals is superior to all kinds of non-country hospitals , Factory and university and college hospitals is the worst , Item county is superior to non - item county ( P < 0 05 ) .

  16. 目的了解深圳特区区级综合医院住院患者医院感染发病率,为今后控制医院感染和制定预防措施提供对策。

    Objective To investigate the incidence of the nosocomial infection in patients of Shenzhen district polyclinic , provide solution for controlling the nosocomial infection and give precautionary measures for the future .

  17. [结论]消毒质量以区级以上医院为主有一定保证;但以个体口腔诊疗机构为主在消毒工作中还存在较多问题,需要进一步加强和提高。

    [ Conclusion ] Disinfection quality in hospital above the district level can be assured , but private dental clinics have more problems in the disinfection work , and needs to be strengthened and improved .

  18. 区级综合性医院作为城市建设必不可少的基础设施,对于防病治病、保障人群健康,具有十分重要的作用。

    A district compound hospitals as essential infrastructure in urban construction plays a very important role for preventing and treating diseases , safeguard human health .

  19. 产前检查率为92.9%,产前检查次数达标的比例为55.7%,还有17人(7.1%)没有做过产前检查,产前检查医院以区级及以下医院为主,其比例为93.3%;

    Antenatal check-up rate was 92.9 % , percentage of the antenatal check-up number (≥ 5 ) was 55.7 % , 17 puerperal women ( 7.1 % ) did not receive any prenatal care .