- 网络COD;water pollutant

The combined process of the indicators have reached the final effluent ," the textile dyeing and finishing industrial water pollutant discharge standard " GB4287-92 1 emission standards .
IDSS for the Administrative Procedure of Water Pollutant Discharge Permit System
Using ACCESS database and ODBC data source , and Browse / Server system model , the system structure , user types , database structure and implement approach of this management information system are devised .
After the engineering of reconstruction , the pH and other indexes of the effluent from the wastewater treatment station reach the first-class standard of the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Meat Packing Industry ( GB 13457-92 ) .
Except Cr6 + , Hg , Cd , As and Cr in agricultural irrigation water showed no significant correlations and abnormal distribution , indicating that the pollutants closely related the source of water .
Then this distribution method was applied to the distribution of water pollutants in Tianjin . The Tianjin industrial COD discharge was chosen as an example to carry out the total allocation among districts and counties .
Dyeing effluent with PECH-amine modification can reach the GB4287 & 1992 level II discharge standard .
The results show that the processes performed well in treating the oilfield produced wastewater , with the effluent reaching the strictest requirement of the First Grade Effluent Discharge Standards for Wastewater from Petroleum Development Industry ( GB 3550 & 1983 ) .
After 30 days operation , result showed that the system was relatively stable . The water quality of effluent could achieve the second discharge criteria of the provincial standard DB44 / 26-2001 .
Used the online flowmeters , pH , COD and oil monitoring instruments and sampling devices and technology , the project has been finished the experiments in a wide aspects , which obtained some experience in implementing of the automatic monitoring used in the water pollutants gross amount control .
The slaughterhouse wastewater can meet the requirement of the First Grade Discharge Standard of China ( GB13457-92 ) .
It is found that all the indexes can meet the second-order of Wastewater Pollutants Discharge Standard for Textile Printing Industry ( GB4287-1992 ) .
By analyzing the city 's gross quantity of contaminated material of discharged water and its economic development , based on the relevant input-output table , with the aid of linear optimizing technique , and Lingo program , the optimizing simulation of the city 's economic structure is realized .
The results showed that the experimental wastewater samples achieved the ⅱ - class discharge standards of water pollutants of textile and dyeing industry ( GB4287-92 ) using hydrolysis acidification-biological contacts oxidation-steel slag filtering techniques .
Compared with US NPDES permit system , China 's water pollutants discharge permit system has flaws in many aspects such as its statutory basis , scope , management system and legal force , and so on .
Slaughter wastewater was treated by anaerobic-aerobic process , and results showed that the effect of treatment was efficient , with various quality indicators of the effluent up to Class ⅰ of national criteria for meat processing .
Study on Total Discharge Amount Control of Water Pollutants in Shenyang
Systems Analysis of Scheme to Control Total Volume of Wastewater Discharges
Research on the Methodology and Technique of Water Pollutant Emissions Trading
About the Assumption of Water Pollution Permission Trading in Wuhan City
Study on determining the total quantity of urban water pollutant discharge
Study on Total Quantity Control of Water Pollutants in Yanqi Basin
Application of information entropy to regional allocation of waste water load
Comparative Study on Water Pollutants Discharge Standard Systems in China
Utility Evaluation of Policy on Total Quantity Pollution Charge of Water Pollutants
The Research on Total Capacity Control Method for Water Pollutant of Tianjin
Analysis of Controlling Total Discharging Amount of Water Pollutant of Tianjin Port
Analysis of Emission Trading System of Poyang Lake Water Pollutant
Gini coefficient in economics was introduced to construct the allocation method .
Research on the Trade Model of the Emission Right of Water Pollutant